Friday, June 18, 2021

Thumbs up!

A stellar piece of strategy...

Not satisfied that Donald Trump has cost them the last two election cycles, republicans are fiendishly plotting to have Trump named Speaker of the House should they win back the U.S. House of Representatives next year.  The plan would be for Trump to be Speaker for 100 days, during which time he'd lead an investigation into Joe Biden (for ending the pandemic and bringing the economy roaring back, I guess), and push through a number of bills to please the republican base.

What a wonderful idea!

I mean other than that Trump couldn't lead a flock of seagulls to fish, let alone the republican House members to actually accomplish anything.  Or that in each of the last two elections Trump's name being mentioned in connection to holding office in the United States brought out record numbers of Democratic voters, who ran to the polls like they were trying to win the gold medal in the 100 meter dash.  Or that to most of republican voters, the Speaker of the House is whoever happens to be talking in their home at the moment.

So, yeah, let's hope they convince the base that it's a winning strategy--God knows we could use a bigger majority in both the Senate and the House.

You Have a Choice:  Pass a Voting Rights Bill or Welcome Fascism to America


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