Saturday, June 26, 2021

They could be royals...

The ideal republican President

I've been saying for quite a few years now that when you hear republicans scream about "the tree of liberty" or fly their "Don't Tread on Me" flags or tell us how the Founding Fathers envisioned America (and I'd be willing to bet you could count on one hand the members of the republican base who have actually read The Federalist Papers) it was just so much bullshit because these people believe in the American system about as much as an avowed atheist believes in God.  I guarantee you that to a person they would have all backed King George III because they don't want a nation of laws and men, they want a nation of kings and edicts (that reinforce their, and theirs alone, worldview).

News lately that Rand Paul has been trying to explain why Democracy is such a failure (and proving why he should have remained an eye doctor) and some right wing nutjob named Matt Walsh (who I'd  never heard of until this week) said that Americans should have a job and a basic knowledge of civics to vote (pretty sure those requirements would hurt republicans a lot more than Democrats--the I.Q. of your average republican is just below that of a gnat) betrays their monarchist desires.  They don't believe in the American people--they believe in retaining power at any cost (and just look at the damage they've done to their own to keep that power when it comes to COVID-19, the opioid epidemic, or the economic stagnation of their rural and less educated voters).

Their entire platform has always been, and always will be, built on the principle of "Let Them Eat Cake"--they have what they want and that the rest of us don't is just too fucking bad.

At least until the other side realizes that the tree of liberty is actually watered with universal healthcare, good jobs, a living wage, and the right to for all of us to be equal in the eyes of the law.

Republicans don't hate Democracy--they're terrified of it.

You Have a Choice:  Pass a Voting Rights Bill, or Welcome Fascism to America


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