Sunday, August 31, 2014

Some actual good news

From 2012 to 2013, homelessness in America fell by 3.7 percent.

This is really amazing because, as the above link notes, the homeless don't vote, don't donate to political campaigns, and it's not a problem most Americans are concerned about.  But with the likes of new HUD Secreatry Julian Castro, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, and Michelle Obama speaking out about how to end homelessness in America, maybe a change is coming.

And you take your victories where you can get them--especially if you're one of the 600,000 Americans who are homeless on any given night.


Faux good news

The S & P 500 set a new milestone this week, breaking 2000 for the first time in its history.

For the vast majority of working class Americans, this means nothing.

Beginning with the stock market explosion during the Clinton years, it's become pretty much a habit for me to check the numbers for the stock market each day, but I don't know why.  I think we've become conditioned to believe that if the stock market numbers are good, the economy is good--it is, but not for anyone but those at the top.  As the above link notes, wages are at 65 year lows, unemployment remains high, and 16% of Americans live in poverty.  Only 14% of Americans say that the record highs in the stock market are helping them financially.  Seventy percent of us (preceding link) believe that the downturn of the Great Recession is permanent--basically that financially we will never improve.  It's hard to see how the lower 80% of us economically ever will.

But for the 1% and Corporate America (profits breaking records, too) life is oh, so good.

At least until the walls come down.


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Month end bummer #2

Feeding America, a non-profit devoted to feeding hungry Americans, has released its quadrennial report on "Hunger in America" for 2014.  Think Progress gives a nice recap here.

Two items that stood out for me.  First, over 46.5 million Americans (that's one in seven) receive food assistance in--broken record time--the richest nation in the history of human civilization.  Second, that's 15.5 million households, forty percent of which have a child.  Give or take, that's 20 million children.

20 million children.

Maybe the next time some numb nut conservatives try to blame the gays or abortion for God's wrath in the wake of a 9/11 or a Hurricane Katrina, they might just consider God's wrath over twenty million children going hungry in a nation that has wolfed down the fatted calf more times than can be counted.


Month end bummer #1

This one hits a little close to home... it seems we have a class of nomadic old folks, travelling from place to place, in vans and small campers, still looking for work well into what should be their retirement years.  Some of the work is seasonal in nature, some of it just requires warm bodies willing to do bullshit work (e.g., cleaning campsite toilets).

It's not a retirement that too many of us conjure, but given the lack of pension plans anymore, the paucity of 401ks, an economy that still hasn't entirely recovered, and the lack of affordable housing for those hard hit by the Great Recession it's not surprising. And likely to become more prevalent. It'll be like the Okies of the 21st century, only with nothing but old folks.

Needless to say, haven't told the Beautiful Girl about this one--don't want her imagining our twilight years full of Ben-Gay, Advil, heating pads, and living in a van down by the river.


Friday, August 29, 2014

Pity the fool

It's a welcome admission anytime a scion of executive leadership questions the compensation afforded to CEOs, as did former Kroger CEO David Dillon when he noted that executive pay has "...gotten a little extreme or a lot extreme."

Still...Dillon went on to explain the reasons for it, and cited my least favorite:  that the position is often "24/7/365."  You know who else has those kind of hours?  Policeman, firemen, and many doctors.  While doctors are amply compensated, none of them makes the kind of money CEOs make and arguably all of them perform jobs with a much greater significance for society as a whole.  And what the fuck--none of these so-called leaders ever heard of delegation?  Hell, I was a pissant store manager and when I went home  my assistant took over--yes, sometimes he/she had a problem they needed to consult with me over, but for the most part my day was done.  And you know what else?  No one puts a gun to these people's heads and makes them take the job.  Don't want a job that's 24/7/365?  Don't take it!  But please don't give me this bullshit that you need upwards of $10 million dollars a year to make up for it.

My guess is that it's mostly a ruse anyway--God knows I've had plenty of "executive leaders" over the course of thirty-one years in the business world who whined and whined over the hours they had to work but somehow never managed to answer the phone after 5:00 pm.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Living in America

It's a common theme among republicans, from the rank and file right on up to its leadership, that if you're poor it's because you're careless with your money.

No, it isn't.  As Barbara Ehrenreich has so famously stated, it's because you don't have enough money.

A couple of recent studies confirm this.  While republicans often claim that the poor spend their money foolishly, a Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows that the poor (the lower 20% income wise, making $22,000 a year or less) actually spend more of their income (60%) on necessities--home, food, heating--than do the wealthy (45%).  The wealthy also spend more, as a percentage of income, on eating out, liquor, and entertainment.

It's also often noted in republican circles that those who carry credit card debt are living beyond their means. A report from think tank Demos shows this isn't the case either--all too often it's brought on by unemployment, healthcare costs, and underemployment.  And a lot of the debt is from just trying to purchase necessities for families.

What these two reports show is that it's more about bad luck than bad people.  There's something inherently wrong when people do what they're supposed to, work hard their whole lives, and end up fianancially ruined through no fault of their own--like the very real people depicted here.  We don't need lies about a people's character--what we need are leaders committed to the 99% and not the 1%.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It's a bitch, Mitch

Seems old Mitch McConnell has had his "47%" moment.  Speaking at a secret conference bankrolled by the Koch Brothers (and don't you just know that "secret" and "Koch Brothers" means the rest of us are going to get fucked), McConnell said that should republicans win control of the Senate they wouldn't mess around with piddly issues like the minimum wage or unemployment extensions or student loan debt, but that they'd focus on defunding Obamacare, gutting the Consumer Finanacial Protection Bureau, and destroying the EPA.

Who do you suppose benefits from this agenda?  It ain't folks like you and me.

How does American not benefit if this pissant is sent packing in November?


Monday, August 25, 2014

An alternate political universe

Apparently, the man from Incomptence, MO, Jay Nixon, can kiss his chances of redecorating Number One Observancy Circle (the Vice-President's residence) good bye after his disastrous performance in the wake of the Michael Brown killing in Ferguson, MO.

Um...he had a chance before that?

I'm pretty sure that he had the same probability that I did:  zero.  The only difference now is that I have a better shot at the Vice-Presidency than he does--even considering I've never even run for any office, I'm still a more attractive candidate than he is.

Just how delusional do you have to be to be a politician?


Can Hillary blow it?

If her statements and inaction over the past week or so are indicative, yes, yes she can.

For starters, Ms. Clinton seems to be distancing herself from President Obama's foreign policy.  This is strange because a) Clinton's politically strategic vote on the Iraq War probably cost her the last election (I know it cost her my vote); b) Obama looks like Winston Churchill times ten on foreign policy compared to the debacle that was Bush the Lesser; and c) she was an awfully big part of it for four years as our Secretary of State.  And it's not like doing so is going to gain her any republican votes in the 2016 election--if she wins, it'll be because of Democrats.

Needless to say, republican upstart and a man who will never be President, Rand Paul, is already attacking Ms. Clinton as a "warhawk."  How inept must you be when your comments cause a republican to call you, a lifelong Democrat, a hawk?

Notice anything about Ms. Clinton's comments on the uproar in Ferguson, MO?  Of course you didn't--becuase she has said nothing.  How much of a kick in the ass is that to black Americans after they came out in full force to help put the Clintons in the White House?

It's not 1992 or 1996--it's going to be 2016 when the next Presidential election arrives, and the way to win is not to run as republican lite.  The path to victory is to run as a Democrat.  Frankly, I'm really beginning to believe that she might fuck up her chances a second time--she's either inept at Presidential campaigning or just flat doesn't fucking get it.

Either way, Martin O'Malley anyone?  How about Deval Patrick?

Will a real Democrat please run?


And now for something different

I'm a big baseball fan--more specifically, I'm a big San Francisco Giants fan.  Their season this year started spectacularly, and just as quickly was spectacularly awful.  They've turned it around a bit of late, and I was somewhat hopeful their chances were improving.

Until yesterday.  Cruising along with a 6-2 lead in the sixth inning against the potent Washington Nationals, their bullpen imploded and they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in literally a half an hour, losing 14-6.  After it was over, I thought, "You know, this team just isn't very good.  I'm tired of wasting my time reading articles, and watching games, and studying the stats.  I could be cracking open The Complete Shakespeare.  I could be watching those Sons of Anarchy DVDs that are gathering dust.  Or practicing my guitar more.  Or listening to the twelve volumes of folks music I downloaded from the Library of Congress.  I'm done with this season."

I did good last night--skipped the game articles, didn't look at the box score.  Watched old X-Files episodes instead.  Same with this morning--did my daily crossword puzzle, got started on my laundry list of chores for my exciting vacation this week.  About two hours into my morning, my youngest son (nine-years-old) wakes up.  First question he asks me, "Who are we playing today, Dad?" Completely oblivious to yesterday's soul-crushing loss.

"Buddy, it doesn't much matter.  The Giants aren't very good."

"We're still in it for the Wild Card."  Still oblivious to the fact that we suck--but he's nine, so...

"The Rockies."

"Three game series?"

"No, it's four."

"Heck, we could take three, for sure.  Maybe even sweep.  The Rockies are crappy."

Inside of an hour I was reading the recap from yesterday, checking out the box score, and reading comments from other near-suicidal Giants' fans.  You know, baseball is supposed to be fun.  It's the ultimate game of hope.

Thanks for the reminder, Beautiful Boy.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tommy can you hear me?

The two most tone deaf politicians in America today are very likely Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon and St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch.  While they're busy having a pissing contest over who controls what in the Grand Jury investigation into the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, the most important consideration is being completely ignored:  neither the Brown family nor the majority of the citizens of Ferguson have any confidence whatsoever in McCulloch's ability to bring charges (and it doesn't look good) against Officer Darren Wilson for shooting the unarmed Michael Brown to death.

Though it's been oft said that we learn from history that we learn nothing from history, it might behoove both men to take a good look back at the Rodney King Riots.  Because if McCulloch's Grand Jury, no matter how aboveboard and well-reasoned it may be, does not come back with criminal charges being filed against Officer Wilson, it could get very ugly, very fast in Ferguson, MO.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sky hook...swish!

NBA great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has written the definitive opinion piece (well worth the five minutes it will take you to read) on the chaos from Ferguson, Mo. Jabbar argues--rightfully so--that we will never solve the race problem in America until we realize that solving the class warfare problem is equally as important.

Unfortunately, as is too often the case, Jabbar won't be getting much help from the left side of the political spectrum.  In response, Dave Zirin of The Nation, wrote this piece, which is your basic Nation piece, i.e., he manages to squeeze in racism, LGBT issues, abortion, and immigration, all the while ignoring the fact that all of these issues pale tremendously to average Americans in comparison to going hungry, watching your children go hungry, not being able to afford a place to live, the stress of living paycheck to paycheck, ad infinitum.  Meanwhile, the 1% snickers as they go on getting richer and richer while the rest of us fall farther and farther behind economically.

Through the years, I've seen this again and again--those on the left (especially the intellectual left) who care about the issues, who care about being proven right, who care about showing how much smarter they are than everybody else but frankly just don't give that much of a shit about actual people.

Want immigration reform?  Make good jobs.  Want action on global warming?  Good jobs. Want to end abortion restrictions?  Good jobs.  Want LGBT protections in the workplace?  Good jobs.

Good jobs, good jobs, good jobs.

Otherwise, people are going to be spending so damn much time just surviving to worry about the shelling of innocents in a land several thousand miles away.

Class warfare is the only issue whose solution will solve so many others.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

You're terminated, fucker!

A few things to keep in mind when you watch this video:

  • This is not a novel by Ray Bradbury or Isaac Asimov.  It is not Nostradamus predicting the future.  It is happening now.  This technology exists.  It is not going away.
  • Humans have brains and brawn.  Machines have replaced a good bit of the physical labor we need done.  Robots are replacing our brains.  We have nothing left to add to the labor market.
  • 45%!  Projections are that robots will eventually be able to do forty-five percent of the jobs that currently employ Americans (keep in mind that the unemployment rate in America during the Great Depression topped out at 25%).  From some kinds of lawyers and doctors\to virtually every job that involves driving, gone.  Now read point #2 again.
  • David Atkins is right--the political party that figures out how to prepare Americans for, and provide for them afterward, is the political party that will rule America   Regardless of the appetite the American people may have for it, a guaranteed income provided by the U.S. government is bound to play a large role.
I've seen projections that believe this technology will be in place in 20 years.

You know, Rosie, the Jetson's maid, is an endearing character right up until you can't feed your family--after that, not so much.


Friday, August 15, 2014

Ferguson follies #2

This was the week that was for Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson:

Sent his police force dressed up like Robocop into an already tense situation with those protesting the death of Michael Brown and made it even worse.  Released a video of Michael Brown which turns shoplifting into a death penalty offense.  Fails to notify either family of Michael Brown or the Highway Patrol (who are now in charge of keeping the peace in Ferguson) that said video is going to be released.  Insinuates the officer who shot Michael Brown knew he was guilty of shoplifting.  Says he was mistaken and that officer didn't know, and that Brown was stopped for walking in the middle of the street (now a death penalty offense, too?).  Then says officer figured out Brown was a shoplifter when he saw the cigars in his hand.

And all of this in front of  all of America.

Swear to God, the mother fucker must have taken leadership lessons from George W. Bush.


Ferguson follies #1

While releasing the name of the officer, Darren Wilson, who shot and killed Michael Brown, Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson also released a video which purports to show Michael Brown shoplifting some cigars and shoving a store owner shortly before he was fatally shot.

One has to wonder exactly what the Ferguson Police hoped to accomplish with this revelation--when exactly did shoplifting and shoving someone become death penalty offenses?

Unless, of course, it's state specific to Missouri.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Seventy-nine years ago today...

...Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, the greatest and most successful social program in the history of America.  It has kept innumerable seniors out of poverty--and helped thousands of young people who have lost parents and thousands of people who have become disabled.

I can't begin to imagine where my Mom would be without her monthly check.  And being one of those people (20% of people aged 55 to 64 have no retirement savings) whose ass has been kicked by Bush the Lesser's economic catastrophe--a.k.a. The Great Recession--I know I'm thankful for it because it's probably the only thing between me and working as a Wal-Mart cashier when I'm eighty (should I be so lucky to live so long).

Social Security was originally the brainchild of Frances Perkins, the first female to be appointed to a U.S. Cabinet (she was Roosevelt's Secretary of Labor from 1933-1945).

She is responsible for the greatest good for the American people in our history.

Not a bad legacy.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tin soldiers and Nixon's not coming

This is a photo from protests in Ferguson, Missouri, where Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, was shot to death by a police officer last week.  Yesterday the police in Ferguson announced they wouldn't be releasing the name of the officer who killed Michael Brown.  Today, the police in Ferguson asked/told/announced to their citizens that there would be a curfew tonight after dark.  As I type this, tear gas is flooding the streets of Ferguson, despite the peaceful nature of the protests.

Every now and again I come across a piece where the writer proclaims we are becoming more and more of a police state every day.  I usually scoff.

After the actions of the police department in Ferguson (and the lack of action by Missouri elected officials from the town itself on up to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon), those proclamations are having a little more credence.  How can anyone look at that picture and trust their local police would behave any differently?  What if it was your unarmed child shot to death?  Wouldn't you want answers and not an army trying to prevent your right to them?

Maybe we finally are on our own.


Monday, August 11, 2014

It ain't no secret

Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, was killed by a police officer this weekend in Ferguson, MO.

An unarmed black man being killed in this country?

Man, that almost never happens in America...(sadly, there are more here).


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Woe unto the white man

Who knew?  We Democrats are waging a war on whites.

This revelation is courtesy of one Mo Brooks (R-AL--and what a surprise those two designations are) who is convinced that it's a plot of the evil black man in the White House, and that his plan over the course of his two elections has been to divide us.

It worked, too--I'm a white, fifty-five-year-old male and I'm completely divided from the republican party.

This is just another in a long line of temper tantrums from the more facile minded members of the republican party who just cannot see straight because a man of color occupies the Presidency.

Frankly, there has never been a subset of human beings in the history of human civilization that has had an easier berth than white males in America.  And if they're angry because their lives or the country or their dim-witted worldview didn't turn out exactly the way they had imagined, it isn't Obama's fault and it isn't the fault of a group of people from south of our border coming here in search of a better life.

If they want to know what ails them, perhaps they should just look in the mirror.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Say, which life is it anyway?

"I mean, yes, sometimes Palestinian kids get killed," she continued. "That's because they are associated with a terrorist organization that is harming Israel. And Netanyahu doesn't care what the religious leaders say weeping about Palestinian children. He doesn't care what the U.N. says. He doesn't care what the media says. We are a country. We have borders. And Netanyahu enforces them. Why can't we do that in America?"

That was Ann Coulter earlier this week on "Hannity."  Presumably the pro-life Coulter said this without the slightest bit of self-consciousness vis-a-vis the value of life--i.e., to her in the womb=live, brown skinned=die.

Note that she actually laughed after the remark about Palestinian kids getting killed.

Know why we don't do "that" in America?  Because we aren't pigs.

Pro-life, indeed.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Who's your Daddy?

Republicans this week filibustered a Democratic sponosored bill that would have ended tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas and gave tax breaks to companies that move jobs to America.  Republicans said the bill was a political stunt.

Which is pretty rich for a party which also this week passed a "We Hate Latinos" bill that has as much chance of getting through the Senate and gaining President Obama's signature as I do of winning tonight's Powerball twice, all to pacify and fire up its base.

It's the politics of hate versus the politics of the common good.  And it's amazing how republicans use that hate again and again to get many more working class Americans than they ever should to vote against their own best interests.

Beezlebub himself could not be any more damnable than today's republican party.


Friday, August 1, 2014

Dunderheads 'r' us

Tonight House republicans passed an immigration bill that could basically be called the "Let's Deport Everyone Who's Not White Bill."  I may not live long enough (from my keypad to God's eyes!) to see another republican in the White House.

And that's what you get when your party's leadership is Tweedledum, Tweedledumber, and Tweedledumbest.
