Monday, August 25, 2014

And now for something different

I'm a big baseball fan--more specifically, I'm a big San Francisco Giants fan.  Their season this year started spectacularly, and just as quickly was spectacularly awful.  They've turned it around a bit of late, and I was somewhat hopeful their chances were improving.

Until yesterday.  Cruising along with a 6-2 lead in the sixth inning against the potent Washington Nationals, their bullpen imploded and they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in literally a half an hour, losing 14-6.  After it was over, I thought, "You know, this team just isn't very good.  I'm tired of wasting my time reading articles, and watching games, and studying the stats.  I could be cracking open The Complete Shakespeare.  I could be watching those Sons of Anarchy DVDs that are gathering dust.  Or practicing my guitar more.  Or listening to the twelve volumes of folks music I downloaded from the Library of Congress.  I'm done with this season."

I did good last night--skipped the game articles, didn't look at the box score.  Watched old X-Files episodes instead.  Same with this morning--did my daily crossword puzzle, got started on my laundry list of chores for my exciting vacation this week.  About two hours into my morning, my youngest son (nine-years-old) wakes up.  First question he asks me, "Who are we playing today, Dad?" Completely oblivious to yesterday's soul-crushing loss.

"Buddy, it doesn't much matter.  The Giants aren't very good."

"We're still in it for the Wild Card."  Still oblivious to the fact that we suck--but he's nine, so...

"The Rockies."

"Three game series?"

"No, it's four."

"Heck, we could take three, for sure.  Maybe even sweep.  The Rockies are crappy."

Inside of an hour I was reading the recap from yesterday, checking out the box score, and reading comments from other near-suicidal Giants' fans.  You know, baseball is supposed to be fun.  It's the ultimate game of hope.

Thanks for the reminder, Beautiful Boy.


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