Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sky hook...swish!

NBA great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has written the definitive opinion piece (well worth the five minutes it will take you to read) on the chaos from Ferguson, Mo. Jabbar argues--rightfully so--that we will never solve the race problem in America until we realize that solving the class warfare problem is equally as important.

Unfortunately, as is too often the case, Jabbar won't be getting much help from the left side of the political spectrum.  In response, Dave Zirin of The Nation, wrote this piece, which is your basic Nation piece, i.e., he manages to squeeze in racism, LGBT issues, abortion, and immigration, all the while ignoring the fact that all of these issues pale tremendously to average Americans in comparison to going hungry, watching your children go hungry, not being able to afford a place to live, the stress of living paycheck to paycheck, ad infinitum.  Meanwhile, the 1% snickers as they go on getting richer and richer while the rest of us fall farther and farther behind economically.

Through the years, I've seen this again and again--those on the left (especially the intellectual left) who care about the issues, who care about being proven right, who care about showing how much smarter they are than everybody else but frankly just don't give that much of a shit about actual people.

Want immigration reform?  Make good jobs.  Want action on global warming?  Good jobs. Want to end abortion restrictions?  Good jobs.  Want LGBT protections in the workplace?  Good jobs.

Good jobs, good jobs, good jobs.

Otherwise, people are going to be spending so damn much time just surviving to worry about the shelling of innocents in a land several thousand miles away.

Class warfare is the only issue whose solution will solve so many others.


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