Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I pay money for this shit

Christ, another point/counterpoint in the Free Press and another reason to question why I give them money every three months to continue my subscription--one Anthony Forlini (who?) writes on why we should drug test Michigan citizens for being poor and the best he can come up with is that liberal groups don't support it, we've over-regulated, and trying a la the great middle class destroyer Ronald Reagan to put this notion in our heads that everyone on welfare is shooting their monthly checks into their arms.  Forlini is a lying prick and an idiot, and one has to wonder how stupid the people in his district are if they think he's the best candidate to represent them in the Michigan House.

Contrast that to the well-reasoned response by Kary Moss of the Michigan ACLU in which she bases her assertions on, of all things, the Constitution of the United States and its guarantee of equal protection.  Well, duh--but it seemed to go beyond the editorial board of The Free Press because had I been a member of it, I would have been embarrassed to put Forlini's piece next to it and call it an op-ed.  More like an oops-ed.

One thing Forlini does make a good case for, though, is drug testing for our members of the Michigan Legislature.  Anyone writing a piece that piss poor is either incredibly ignorant or stoned.


The right to work for less

Thanks to the fine folks in that shithole known as Indiana, business writer (?) Tom Walsh and Mackinac Center apologist for the 1% Michael LaFaive think the republican controlled legislature here in Michigan should begin debating Right to Work for a Lot Less laws--and hell, the middle class hasn't been decimated enough in our fine state so let's pass the mother fucker, too.  Because, you know, what every state should desire is to be like, um, fucking Indiana.

And, of course, noted union busters The Detroit Free Press runs another of their brutal "At Issue" pieces in the business section--little depth, fairness over facts, reliant upon far too few sources--which claims that the jury is still out on whether or not Right to Work for a Lot Less laws work or not in creating jobs.

Horseshit on all counts.

The jury is not out on any of it--the unemployment rate in Right to Work for a Lot Less states is statistically insignificant in its difference between the unemployment rate of union states.  And as I've shown before, when membership in labor unions declines, so do wages.  And Indiana?  Really?  As someone who's lived in both states can attest, there is no compare.  Indiana is a backwoods, redneck, armpit of a state.  For all its problems, Michigan is considerably better than that--from our great lakes to the home of the auto industry to our great universities to our four sports franchises (in fairness, I'm a fan of none of them) to Motown...Indiana fails in comparison--as Gertrude Stein once noted, there's no there there.

And I think it's very telling that those on the right think we should reach for the lowest common denominator rather than be the state that can pay its citizens a decent wage and have a good standard of living.  What's next?  Let's shoot for the barrenness of the Dakotas?


Monday, January 30, 2012

The Bore Room

Had a chance to watch Jennifer Granholm's (former Michigan Governor) new show "The War Room"  tonight, and....


The show was what she had advertised...lots of policy discussions, a look at the behind the scenes maneuvering of campaigns--but it had that feel of vanilla pudding traditional media reporting.  I'd love to see the Governor become the progressive version of Sarah Palin (only a lot smarter and a lot cooler) but she's going to have to work on her progressive credibility--for most of the show, I was wishing I had watched Rachel Maddow instead.

I know it's her first night, but if Granholm can't juice it up with Elizabeth Warren and Nate Silver, when will she?


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Six Degrees of Boredom

So President Obama had a good night on Tuesday--91% of Americans (not just Democrats, but all Americans) approved of the proposals he put forth in his SOTU.  Christ, it would be hard to get 91% of Americans to agree that the sun coming up each morning is a good thing, let alone political policies.

You know who didn't have a good night?  Republicans.  Wow--if Mitch Daniels is on their supposed A list of candidates who aren't running for President this year, they're in deep shit.  It was a snoozer--Christ, after the speech I'm not sure how Daniels ever got elected (note to self--it was Indiana, aka Moronovia).  He couldn't lead mice to fucking cheese.

Even worse, for all their talk before Obama's speech their response to the President's SOTU was trite--the same tired ideas, the same tired attacks, the same tired complaints.  How in the world do they think anyone can come away inspired from such shit?  Other than bitter old white men, I mean.  There was no hope, no compassion, no passion.  Nothing but whining. 

Pull yourself up by your boot straps indeed.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Paranoia strikes deep

Well everyone on the left and the Obama administration are happy, happy, happy tonight--Newt Gingrich has won in South Carolina and thrown the inevitability of Mitt Romney into question.  And as we all know, Mitt Romney is the only republican who has a prayer against President Obama....

Which is probably true, until I start thinking of Citizen's United and the literally billions of dollars that will be spent between now and November trying to convince the not so bright among us that President Obama kills the puppies of angels by shooting poison darts out of his ass--and that, for starters, about a third of American voters will believe it.

And it's then that I can't get those visions of the Chicago Daily Tribune newspaper headline of "Dewey Defeats Truman" out of my head....


Friday, January 20, 2012

14 days since I don't know when

Leave it to Kos to put Mitt Romney's attempt to fire up his base in its place--the only uniting of Americans that republicans want is with the ones who agree with their agenda unconditionally.  Everyone else can leave the country.

My concern, though, is what Mitt Romney meant by this:

"But you know what?  America is right, and you're wrong."

What the fuck?  Is this keeping with Mitt's "Corporations are people, my friend" remark?  Is America a person?  As far as lame retorts go, this one's right up there with "So's your old man!" and "I know I am, but what are you?"  For Christ's sake, there are over 300 million different versions of "America."

And is someone who thinks this poorly on his feet really the man we want with his finger on the trigger of the most powerful nation in the world?


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yes, Doctor, there is a pulse...

It's been a tough past year for those of us on the Democatic side here in Michigan--Gov. Snyder, with strong majorities in both the Michigan House and Senate, has rammed through anti-worker legislation (shortened time for Unemployment Insurance, Workman's Comp  rules changed to favor businesses, taxing seniors' pensions, Emergency Managers who can rip up union contracts, trying to destroy public workers collective bargaining agreements) and because he balanced the budget quickly (big fucking deal, right?) he's basically been given a free pass by Michigan media.  And to make matters worse--especially with seeing the recalls in Wisconsin and the victory of SB5 in Ohio--the Democratic Party here, still led by the same man who led us to such humiliating defeat in 2010 (Mark Brewer), basically rolled over and played dead.  Sure they voted against most of Snyder's and his republican cronies proposals, but it was with a decided lack of loud vocals.

And this week in the lead up to Gov. Snyder's State of the State address last night (yawn--it was brutal, but a harbinger of republican groupthink, i.e., "I balanced the budget, that will take care of everything!"), the Free Press ran nothing but puff pieces, other than this hard-hitting letter to the editor which the weenies edited so the comment concerning Snyder and the 1% did not appear.


Until I came across this--naturally not in the Free Press--Michigan Democrats are proposing free college tuition for Michigan students paid for by...wait for it...eliminating corporate tax credits.  No raising taxes, and it fulfills a key piece of Snyder's "agenda"--attracting business to Michigan by improving the level of talent in Michigan through better education.  My guess is it has zero chance of passage--but we can certainly use it in November to show just who it is greases the republican's (limo) wheels.  More kids in college or more corporate welfare:  you decide.

That's a battle we should love to have.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christian Mingling

So I'm watching TV last night and an ad comes on for Christian Mingle, a Christian dating site.  And the ad says..."Find God's Match For You."


God's match for me?  We're talking the guy/girl who fixed up Adam and Eve, David and Bathsheba, Samson and Delilah, Joseph and Mary, and if The DaVinci Code is to be believed, Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

Where the hell was this site when I was single?


The gift that keeps on giving

That Mitt--paying 15% of his millions in taxes (less percentage-wise, than me).  That Mitt--saying he doesn't make that much in speaking fees...why only a paltry $362,000 the year before last (more than 7 times what I make for a year for fucking talking to a bunch of nitwits).

Somewhere there are political ad makers who are are drooling like a St. Bernard today.


Why not?

Much is being made over Newt Gingrich's comments concerning African Americans at last night's debate and the standing ovation he received for calling President Obama the food stamp President.  Yawn--blood is red, farts stink, and republicans are racists.  Shock of all shocks.

Frankly, I think this is the republican strategy for the Presidential race this year.  They are probably going to lose the black vote as badly as they did in 2008 (Obama took 96% of it), so why not give red meat to the racist base and hope it fires them up and they turn out to vote like they did for Bush the Lesser in 2004?  Because their base is going to be fired up over Romney like sharks are fired up over green beans for their next meal.

Christ, if our candidate was Richie Rich in 2012, we'd be coming up with some bizarre ass shit, too.


Let the games begin...

Watching "Jeopardy" tonight, and I see the first political ad, financed by the Koch Brothers Americans for Prosperity (of the 1%), of this election year, surprisingly enough, a false attack ad against President Obama on WDIV, Channel 4, here in Michigan.

It's fucking January.

In a related note, I watched Olbermann (on vacation--rats!), Maddow, O'Donnell, and Ed Schultz for the first time in months tonight.

Nothing like some scummy, rich mother fuckers like the Kochs to get your engine started....


Monday, January 16, 2012

The True Legacy

On a day when republicans tried to co-opt the hope that Martin Luther King, Jr. brought to all of us (and good luck with that--fifty some odd years on this planet and I never met a republican that wasn't at the very least a closet racist), it's important to remember that not only did  Dr. King fight for civil rights, but for labor rights as well.

Dr. King understood--as in some ways, I believe, the Occupy Movement does as well--that America could only reach its potential, could only be at its best when we all stood to gain from our labor.  When we are paid wages to ensure a decent living--food on our tables regularly, basic healthcare, a decent education for our children.  Today we see a situation similar to what Dr. King saw--only now it's not just minorities, but all of us.  The American dream is growing farther and farther out of our reach.

It would behoove President Obama as well as his Democratic allies to review Dr. King's legacy as they gear up for this year's elections.  Now, as then, this is our issue and our strength.  The future of this country as a land where even the least among us can make a decent living may very well depend upon it--God knows republicans couldn't care less if we starve or not.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Why Paul Krugman is Paul Krugman...

...and I'm just a putz retail manager for a big box merchandiser.

Despite being a Nobel laureate and having a PhD. in Economics, Krugman shows in a simple and easy to understand style why America is not a corporation, and why the last fucking (one advantage to being a putz, though, is that you are free to use the word "fuck" in all its varieties in your blog) panacea this country needs is a CEO for its President.

Yes, that's you Mitt Romney, aka, Gordon Gekko.  Unfortunately for Mittens, you can't fire the American people....


Pure Class Warfare

So Paul Kersey of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy thinks (?) the state of Michigan (actually its republican controlled legislature and republican Governor) should repeal its prevailing wage laws because those employees who are fortunate enough to have a trade that they spent years training for and refining are paid just too much money.  By Mr. Kersey's count--on the high end, but $30 an hour, forty hours per week, fifty-two weeks a year--$62, 400 per year is a king's ransom for some peon to make.

One would suppose then that Mr. Kersey, since $62,400 is just oodles of money to make a mortgage payment, a new car every six or seven years, put kids through college, pay for health insurance, buy groceries, and pay utilities would favor the state of Michigan having a progressive income tax.  I mean, if $62,400 is so much money what the hell would CEOs, Investment Managers, and Corporations need with their six and seven figure salaries and profits?  Certainly they should be glad to pay considerably more--all they need to get by is $62, 400 of it!

Shame on the Free Press for giving weekly voice to men such as Paul Kersey who are little more than apologists for the 1% and whose express purpose is to make life worse for 99% of the Free Press' readership.  Allowing their distorted views and class warfare on the poor and working class is not objectivity.  It's murder, pure and simple.


You better run, better run

So the chamber of commerce--you know, that organization whose sole purpose is to make life economically, spiritually, and healthfully worse for 99% of Americans--has decided that it will increase its presence signficantly ($$$$$$) in the Elizabeth Warren vs. Scott Brown Senate race this year in Massachusetts.

This is a fight they do not want.

Elizabeth Warren is to Liberals what Sarah Palin is to christian conservatives times 100.  She not only walks the walk, but she talks the talk.  This is a woman who sincerely cares about the 99%, is willing to fight for them, and may be the only politician other than Bernie Sanders who isn't afraid to tell corporate America to go fuck itself.  I can't think of a Liberal politician in my fifty some odd years on this planet who draws the kind of reverence that Warren does.

If Warren loses this November of her own accord a la Martha Coakley in 2010, we can live with it.  If she loses because the chamber of commerce and various other groups supporting the 1% spend a small fortune to spread distortions about her and her record--well, let's just say that the fury of hell will be as a daisy in the gentle summer breeze compared to the anger coming from Liberals over her loss.  I could literally see hundreds of Elizabeth Warrens coming out of the woodwork in every state, city, county, municipality, township...and getting the grass roots support they need to lead them to victory.  Anger is infinite; the cash in the chamber's pocketbooks is not (though pretty close to it).

A Warren victory will surely inspire more candidates like her to enter politics.  Making a martyr of her will only slow the process for a short while.


You go girl

It's nice to read Rochelle Riley and see her writing again as a Progressive voice in the Free Press--it probably has nothing to do with it, but the disaster that is Gov. Rick Snyder would make just about anyone rethink their leanings.

Her piece on the lack of respect republicans have shown for Michelle Obama (and what a surprise that has been!) could be a primer for the election this November:  Republicans = Neanderthal, Democrats = At Least We're Not That Pathetic.

Apparently there is also a new book called "The Obamas" by Jodi Kantor, a reporter for The New York Times, which claims that Ms. Obama is quite the behind the scenes manipulator in the Obama administration, fighting hard for her husband and having problematic relationships with former Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel and former Press Secretary Joe Gibbs.

Not quite sure what the fuss is--if you ask me, Ms. Obama comes across as a champion of progressive causes, there are zero, zip, none, of those in the Democrats core constituency who do not despise Emmanuel and Gibbs, and the woman has an approval rating of 73%.  "Independents" will see the whole episode as unseemly and a Democratic fart would serve as red meat to republican pinheads.

Or, in the words of Officer Brady:  "Nothing to see here, move along."


Sunday, January 8, 2012

I have a bad dream

For some odd reason, it has dawned on me in the past couple of days that we as a nation have a chance to elect a Wall Street executive as our next President (yes, you Mittens).

That a majority of Americans could even entertain such a notion after the havor wreaked on our economic well-being by Wall Street over the past several years speaks volumes to how far off course America has veered--like aiming a rocket ship for Mars and landing on Pluto instead.

Electing Mitt Romney would literally be like having a shit-faced blind man as your designated driver--a good end to the evening just wouldn't be in the cards.


The Iron Lady

Apparently because Meryl Streep does another of her wondrous chameleon-like performances (yawn), this time of Margaret Thatcher, we're supposed to flock to see "The Iron Lady" and ignore the fact that in cahoots with her American counterpart, Ronald Reagan, Thatcher made life demonstrably worse for the vast majority of poor, working class, and middle class citizens of the world.

Thanks but no fucking thanks.

Is the film industry so hard up that they couldn't come up with a better script than one which will be used to deify another leader who is a blot on all that is good in this world?  Not to mention that, other than being a woman, her story is as bland as rice pudding.  But let's not forget that Thatcher won the Falklands war--which has all the gravitas of me leading a Pee Wee football team to its league championship as its star quarterback.

Can't wait for all the film clips on Oscar night...gag.

Iron Lady?  Cutthroat Charlatan would be more to the truth.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Who gives a rat's ass?

Sorry, but for all the media coverage of yesterday's caucus in Iowa, I'm having a real tough time giving a fuck.  I understand that a close election between President Obama and whatever joke of a candidate takes the republican nomination will be worth millions of dollars to the traditional media, but it's really going to take a strong stomach to withstand the puke that will come from the traditional media to make it so.

Let's face it:  the top three candidates from yesterday's vote in Iowa are equally pathetic.  Romney is a pampered rich boy with all the character of a wet fart.  Santorum is so far to the right he's falling over the cliff (not to mention he's the Catholic Church's  fave--enough reason to vote Obama just on that point alone).  I know he makes the republican primaries interesting at least for a while, but here's Kos on Santorum as the nominee:  "If Santorum is the nominee, Obama romps to reelection, we take the House and have a good chance of holding the Senate. This is a guy that barely got 41 percent of the vote in his 2006 reelection campaign in swing-state Pennsylvania. And he's freakin' nuts. It's our best-case scenario."  In other words, not going to happen.  And Ron Paul?  I don't even need a link--the mother fucker is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

On the bright side, President Obama reminded us today of why he won in 2008--his people run a hell of a campaign.  His recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three new members to the NLRB serves the double purpose of taking attention away from the republican's caucus yesterday as well as feed into the meme of protecting the 99% from the 1%.  Doesn't hurt to feed the Dem base a little red meat, either.

Republicans, schmepublicans.  More good news on the Democratic Party, please.  It makes my day so much more pleasant.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Guessing Game

For what it's worth, my predictions for the republican caucus in Iowa tomorrow:

1.  Romney
2.  Paul
3.  Santorum

Romney first because--somewhat like Kerry for the Dems in 2004--I think enough republican voters are going to realize he's their only/best chance to capture the Presidency this November.  Paul second because the republican race for the Presidency has been batshit insane and he may be the most batshit insane of all.  Santorum third because the radical right base has run out of other candidates.  They've got to have some hope to keep them turning out and donating money.

I'm going to step out on a limb and predict Obama takes the Dem caucus in a rout....


Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)

Forget "Auld Lang Syne" (not that it's all that bad)--I've listened to this one about ten times since last night:  Regina Spektor's "My Dear Acquaintance (A Happy New Year)."

My dear acquaintance, it's so good to know you
For strength of your hand
That is loving and giving
And a happy new year
With love overflowing
With joy in our hearts
For the blessed new year

Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
For us all who are gathered here
And a happy new year to all that is living
To all that is gentle, kind, and forgiving
Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
My dear acquaintance, a happy new year

All of those who are hither and yonder
With love in our hearts
We grow fonder and fonder
Hail to those who we hold so dear
And hail to those who are gathered here
And a happy new year to all that is living
To all that is gentle, young, and forgiving

Raise your glass and we'll have a cheer
My dear acquaintance, a happy new year
Happy new year

If you've never heard it, well worth the effort of downloading it.
