Friday, January 13, 2012

Pure Class Warfare

So Paul Kersey of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy thinks (?) the state of Michigan (actually its republican controlled legislature and republican Governor) should repeal its prevailing wage laws because those employees who are fortunate enough to have a trade that they spent years training for and refining are paid just too much money.  By Mr. Kersey's count--on the high end, but $30 an hour, forty hours per week, fifty-two weeks a year--$62, 400 per year is a king's ransom for some peon to make.

One would suppose then that Mr. Kersey, since $62,400 is just oodles of money to make a mortgage payment, a new car every six or seven years, put kids through college, pay for health insurance, buy groceries, and pay utilities would favor the state of Michigan having a progressive income tax.  I mean, if $62,400 is so much money what the hell would CEOs, Investment Managers, and Corporations need with their six and seven figure salaries and profits?  Certainly they should be glad to pay considerably more--all they need to get by is $62, 400 of it!

Shame on the Free Press for giving weekly voice to men such as Paul Kersey who are little more than apologists for the 1% and whose express purpose is to make life worse for 99% of the Free Press' readership.  Allowing their distorted views and class warfare on the poor and working class is not objectivity.  It's murder, pure and simple.


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