Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I pay money for this shit

Christ, another point/counterpoint in the Free Press and another reason to question why I give them money every three months to continue my subscription--one Anthony Forlini (who?) writes on why we should drug test Michigan citizens for being poor and the best he can come up with is that liberal groups don't support it, we've over-regulated, and trying a la the great middle class destroyer Ronald Reagan to put this notion in our heads that everyone on welfare is shooting their monthly checks into their arms.  Forlini is a lying prick and an idiot, and one has to wonder how stupid the people in his district are if they think he's the best candidate to represent them in the Michigan House.

Contrast that to the well-reasoned response by Kary Moss of the Michigan ACLU in which she bases her assertions on, of all things, the Constitution of the United States and its guarantee of equal protection.  Well, duh--but it seemed to go beyond the editorial board of The Free Press because had I been a member of it, I would have been embarrassed to put Forlini's piece next to it and call it an op-ed.  More like an oops-ed.

One thing Forlini does make a good case for, though, is drug testing for our members of the Michigan Legislature.  Anyone writing a piece that piss poor is either incredibly ignorant or stoned.


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