Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Part Two

Yup--I paid for this bullshit, too.  Seems one Bobby Schostak, the Chairman of the Michigan republican party, was given a guest "commentary" spot on the pages of the Free Press to give what could generously be called the Michigan republican response to the SOTU.  I could give any number of excellent rebuttals to the tripe espoused by Mr. Schostak (he trots out the same old trite republican talking points--Obamacare, Democrats as big spenders, deficit out of control, yawn), but this snippet particularly stands out:  "...there is no hiding the feeling that he [Obama] has let Michigan citizens down."

What the fuck?  If it hadn't been for the Obama Administration's rescue of the auto industry this state would be a wasteland right now.   Our improving unemployment numbers would be massively worse and probably still headed in the opposite direction--quickly.  If there's any one state that Obama should win in a landslide this November, it's Michigan.

Congratulations to Michigan republicans for choosing Mr. Schostak as their chair--he has all the political acumen of...Willard Romney!


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