Sunday, February 5, 2012

Little piggies

I could probably think of a few hundred reasons why I will never vote for, or be, a republican, but Nolan Finley's commentary in last week's Detroit News is a microcosm of all those reasons.  Finley's basic assertion--that since Gov. Snyder is loathe to sign a bill that makes Michigan a right to work for a lot less state (because it's "divisive") and the republican legislature is unwilling to build a second bridge from Detroit to Canada (ostensibly because they're in the pocket of the first bridge's owner, Matty Moroun--and don't even get me started on how, if the shoe were on the other foot, Finley would be excoriating Democrats for being beholden to their special interests) the two sides should be willing to hold their noses and make a trade that will be beneficial to both.

This kind of partisan gamesmanship is repulsive on so many levels, but is specifically endemic to the republican party and its enablers.  At a time when Michigan is beyond hurting for jobs to hold jobs hostage so that working men and women can be paid less to further line the pockets of the wealthiest of the wealthy is class warfare at its ugliest and disgusting.  This isn't about disagreements over policy--this is about winning at all costs and the people be damned.  As an acquaintance of mine recently told me, "You have to be a fucking idiot to vote for a republican."

Nolan Finley is a pig who cares not a whit for Michigan or its citizens.  He is exactly what the republican party is and what it stands for--and we need to hammer this home on a national, state, and local level from now until Election Day.


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