Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Woe unto the white man

Who knew?  We Democrats are waging a war on whites.

This revelation is courtesy of one Mo Brooks (R-AL--and what a surprise those two designations are) who is convinced that it's a plot of the evil black man in the White House, and that his plan over the course of his two elections has been to divide us.

It worked, too--I'm a white, fifty-five-year-old male and I'm completely divided from the republican party.

This is just another in a long line of temper tantrums from the more facile minded members of the republican party who just cannot see straight because a man of color occupies the Presidency.

Frankly, there has never been a subset of human beings in the history of human civilization that has had an easier berth than white males in America.  And if they're angry because their lives or the country or their dim-witted worldview didn't turn out exactly the way they had imagined, it isn't Obama's fault and it isn't the fault of a group of people from south of our border coming here in search of a better life.

If they want to know what ails them, perhaps they should just look in the mirror.


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