Friday, August 29, 2014

Pity the fool

It's a welcome admission anytime a scion of executive leadership questions the compensation afforded to CEOs, as did former Kroger CEO David Dillon when he noted that executive pay has "...gotten a little extreme or a lot extreme."

Still...Dillon went on to explain the reasons for it, and cited my least favorite:  that the position is often "24/7/365."  You know who else has those kind of hours?  Policeman, firemen, and many doctors.  While doctors are amply compensated, none of them makes the kind of money CEOs make and arguably all of them perform jobs with a much greater significance for society as a whole.  And what the fuck--none of these so-called leaders ever heard of delegation?  Hell, I was a pissant store manager and when I went home  my assistant took over--yes, sometimes he/she had a problem they needed to consult with me over, but for the most part my day was done.  And you know what else?  No one puts a gun to these people's heads and makes them take the job.  Don't want a job that's 24/7/365?  Don't take it!  But please don't give me this bullshit that you need upwards of $10 million dollars a year to make up for it.

My guess is that it's mostly a ruse anyway--God knows I've had plenty of "executive leaders" over the course of thirty-one years in the business world who whined and whined over the hours they had to work but somehow never managed to answer the phone after 5:00 pm.


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