Friday, November 18, 2016

The first cut is the deepest

Near as I can tell, the Democratic Party plan for the next 2018 mid-term election is to hope Donald Trump falls flat on his face and we get swept back into power.

How else to explain the election of Chuck Schumer to be our Senate Minority Leader?  As a man whose slogan could be "If it's good for Wall Street, it's good for Chuck", it's very hard to see how Schumer will inspire voters who don't turn out in non-Presidential election to turn out in 2018--hell, we couldn't get them to turn out in 2016 in an election against Hitler, and somebody somewhere thinks Schumer will help change that?  What the fuck?

Schumer has already said that he doesn't see voters supporting an obstructionist party in 2018 which already shows his utter lack of paying attention to the last several elections--voters supported republicans quite nicely in 2010, 2014, and 2016 even though they accomplished nothing except obstructing any chance at progress for millions of Americans.

Never fear, though, Schumer has made Joe Manchin a part of his inner circle--the same Joe Manchin who said he wouldn't rule out siding with republicans before the election and called Harry Reid (the only Democrat who has shown any spine at all since November 8th) an "absolute embarrassment" for ripping Hitler after the election.  Why this is is anybody's guess--Manchin resides in the reddest of red states and even if he switches parties, there's not a potential opponent in West Virginia who isn't salivating at the commercials they can run against the father of Miss I Made Millions Off The Suffering Of Those Who Need Epi-Pens.  Apparently Democrats learn nothing from history as it's pretty darn easy to see the comparisons between Joe Lieberman and Manchin--and look what that got us:  a big fat nothing.

We also got Debbie Stabenow, my own Senator here in Michigan, whose lone accomplishment in 12 years as a Senator has been to gut food stamp benefits.

They threw a sop to the base with Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Sherrod Brown, but none of them will wield any power and it's really nothing more than giving a lollipop to a crying kid to get him to shut up.  It won't solve the problem and will just serve to anger the kid even more when it's gone.

Keep in mind that it took a majority of Americans six years to realize George W. Bush was a bozo--and a Democratic Party strategy of waiting for epic republican failure in two years is a pipe dream (just ask the national media, who completely blew the election--and the Iraq War, and the economic collapse of 2008--and are now blowing the transition).

And that pipe dream is going to take millions of Americans down with it.

Fuck Donald Trump,

1 comment:

  1. Not gonna lie, Schumer is a moron if he thinks the people won't support an obstructionist party. That's pretty fucking clear. However, I will offer one thing regarding the American public and their realization on Bush. I think 9/11 bought him and the Republicans a lot of cover in 2002 and 2004. We'll never be sure, but I have my doubts it would've taken as long without.

    Now, that doesn't mean the public will come around any quicker this time. But I'll take hope anywhere I can find it these days.
