Wednesday, November 23, 2016

First they came for the kids

Apparently not content with running the state of Michigan, the DeVos family is now setting its sights on the entire country as family matriarch Betsy DeVos today was nominated to be Secretary of Education by Donald Trump despite having no qualifications for the job other than being rich.

For those not familiar, the DeVos family is known for being virulently anti-union and big supporters of the privatization of our kids education (this piece by Mother Jones is truly eye-opening--you're probably safer with Charles Manson as your next door neighbor than with the DeVos family located anywhere within 100,000 miles or so of the United States).  They're also known for having the cleanest asses in the state--Governor Rick Snyder (you probably know him better as the man who oversaw the poisoning of thousands of children in Flint) and republican members of the Michigan Legislature have their lips locked permanently to the butt cheeks of each individual DeVos family member.

Our governor is currently being sued by seven children in Detroit because his wonderful emergency manager plan has failed to fund education so miserably that they have no other recourse but to sue just to get educated.  Governor Child Poisoner's response?  Kid don't have a constitutional right to an education, even though our state constitution expressly grants them that right.

For those wondering what else your kids are in store for under Hitler's choice for Secretary of Education, the city of Detroit currently has a 47% rate of illiteracy, the city of Pontiac has a 34% rate of illiteracy, and the city of Southfield has a 24% rate of illiteracy, all of which are a direct result of republicans running the state of Michigan (they've held the governor's mansion for 18 of the last twenty-six years and both houses of the legislature all but four of those years) with their usual policies surrounding we don't give a shit about you if you're poor.

Do not underestimate the disaster this is for our kids education.

By the way, it also signals that the institutions of our government are now officially for sale to the highest bidder (which ain't you and me).

Fuck Donald Trump,

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