Thursday, November 17, 2016

Once again, the Catholic Church chooses Nazism over the Golden Rule

I've often felt that the three organizations that have done the most damage to ordinary Americans are the republican party, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Catholic Church.  Right on cue, in its never ending quest to prove me right, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops this week announced they "were looking forward to working with President-elect Trump..."

Fucking seriously?

 Though I shouldn't be surprised--it's well documented that the Catholic Church while never openly supporting Hitler or Mussolini (the Church was officially "neutral" in WWII--and a big WTF to that) turned a blind eye to fascism in ways they never did with communism.

Can someone explain to me how groping women is covered by "love thy neighbor as thyself"?  Can someone explain to me how the love of Christ is reflected in calling Mexicans rapists and drug dealers?  Can someone explain to me how hating Muslims is God's work?  Or gays? Or women?

Frankly, it's far past time to call the Catholic Church what it is--the world's most powerful hate group.

In the end, it would help to remind everyone that the Catholic Church, for all its claims to moral superiority, over the course of several decades chose its bottom line and land holdings over children who were raped by its leaders.

And that should be enough to discredit it forever.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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