Monday, November 21, 2016

Come up screaming

Well lookee here--I don't know if they're coming out of shock (I learned these past few days that I can still laugh) or developing a spine, but Democrats had a good weekend:

  • Rep. Keith Ellison--and pretty please can he be the next chair of the DNC?--said ten days in and we've already given Trump his chance.  He appointed a Nazi to his inner circle (Bannon), an avowed racist to be his Attorney General (Sessions), and an Islamaphobe to be his National Security Adviser (Flynn).  In a nutshell, fuck Trump already.
  • When speaking to a liberal group this past weekend, Sen. Elizabeth Warren vowed Democrats will not compromise on their basic principles surrounding inclusion and diversity.  She also invoked Martin Luther King, Jr. to remind them that economic problems are not solved by racism, misogyny, or homophobia.
  • Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi promised Greg Sargent of The Washington Post that like they did against George W. Bush's plans to privatize Social Security in 2005, Democrats were already united against Paul Ryan's plan to turn Medicare into a voucher system, and weren't going to stand idly by while healthcare for Americans in their golden years is turned into a Corporate America crapshoot.
  • Even ol' Chuck Schumer got into the act--sort of.  While still being under the delusion that we might be able to work with Hitler, Schumer did acknowledge that the Senate's Democrats would be the last barrier to Trump and republicans' excesses.  Of course this was largely offset by Trump praising Schumer , and learning that every single member of Trump's family at one time donated to Schumer's re-election campaigns.  Jesus H. Christ was Schumer a piss poor pick at a piss poor time...
While I'd still prefer a kick 'em in the balls kind of obstructionism, at least it's a start.

We'll call them baby steps.

Fuck Donald Trump,

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