Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Thanks, fuckheads!

Anybody who thinks the election of Donald Trump was about bucking the establishment is an utter fucking idiot.  Ninety percent of incumbents won re-election.  This election was about racism and misogyny, with a little homophobia on the side.

 Best of all, the fucking idiots who elected Trump have no clue what they've unleashed.  To wit:

  • Obamacare is toast.  20 million Americans are going to lose their health insurance, but on the bright side, they won't have to worry about rising rates.  No health insurance, no rising rates!  By the way, have a pre-existing condition?  Feel free to die shortly and penniless.
  • Republicans aren't stupid enough to completely do away with Social Security, but they will gut it and raise the retirement age.  You'll also be forced to gamble your retirement on Wall Street, which is unfortunate because it would probably be safer to invest it in lottery tickets.  Also, hope you enjoy Friskies and Purina Cat Chow!  That's all you're going to be able to afford after republicans finish cutting the benefits you spent a lifetime paying in to. 
  • Medicare is toast also--you'll get to spend your golden years sicker, in more pain, and broke.  On the bright side, you'll die younger so it'll be a few less years having to eat that cat food.
  • Hopefully you'll have a good paying job.  One of the first things they'll do after repealing Obamacare is cut food stamps and welfare.  Yeah, a few of their white folk supporters will go hungry and homeless, but there's no way we can have those pesky brown and black kids eating and having a place to live.  Hell, they might grow up to be President--we don't want to make that mistake again!
  • Jobs!  You elected a man who specialized in outsourcing American jobs and you can kiss a bunch of those goodbye.  The economy has been a disaster under every fucking republican President for the last fifty years.  Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and both Bushes combined had less jobs created in 28 years than President Clinton and President Obama created in sixteen.  And the jobs they'll create?  You can start practicing now:  "You want fries with that?"
  • And you can turn the lights out on Roe v. Wade.  While American woman will still get to choose what they do with their own bodies, chances are good that every hilljack, redneck state run by descendants of the incest kid from Deliverance will outlaw it.  So hopefully you can afford to fly to New York or California, and if not, I'm pretty sure Dry Cleaners still use wire hangers.  And since 70% of abortions are chosen by women who live in poverty, there'll be lots more hungry and homeless kids for the rich folks to tsk, tsk over.
  • Finally--guns!  They'll be allowed everywhere and lots more Americans will be dying from gunshot wounds.  And since the vast majority of gun killings are done by family and friends, we'll get to spend more time with our kin at funerals!  Also, it'd be a good idea to invest in funeral homes and coffin manufacturers--business will be booming!
Don't know about you, but I can't fucking wait.


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