Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Them womenfolk

I lived through the eight years that Jennifer Granholm was the (Democratic) Governor of Michigan, and I'd be the first to admit that she struggled throughout her two terms.  In fairness, she had to deal with republican obstructionism in both legislative houses and it wasn't her fault the long poorly managed auto industry finally ran itself into a wall, but Granholm tried to please too many people, saw the economic struggles of our state all too often through rose-colored glasses, and let herself get bullied by republicans which gave the appearance of weakness.

While there were plenty of reasons to criticize Granholm's tenure, you may be surprised that the vast majority of invective hurled at Gov. Granholm had nothing to do with her job performance and everything to do with her gender.  From my barbershop to e-mails from co-workers, it was amazing how much hatred was directed at her simply because she was a woman.  "Jokes," crude remarks, and misogynistic conjectures were all based solely on her sex.

I mention this because yesterday Fox News questioned the timing of Chelsea Clinton's second pregnancy as if the Clintons have nothing better to do at their family get-togethers than to sit around and decide when their daughter and son-in-law should have sex to best help Secretary Clinton's campaign for the Presidency.  I know it's the Clintons and thus Fox News has to constantly make up bullshit about Hillary Clinton just to keep their rabid base fed, but I really wonder if such questioning of the timing of a pregnancy would have occurred had any of the male candidates had a daughter or son announce their family was expecting a child.

I sincerely doubt it.

It's going to be a long eight years--they will hate the woman in the White House with the same venom as they hate the black guy in the White House.


1 comment:

  1. Came across this amazing quote today from Shirley Chisolm that resonated all too well: "The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says: It's a girl."
