Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Can they handle the truth?

Well whaddayaknow--conservatives aren't all wrong.

Writing in the American Conservative Daniel Larison takes to task hawks (which, let's face it, means republicans--no Democrat who matters has hopped on their terrorist threat crazy train so far) for over inflating the threat that ISIS poses to America.  The plain truth of the matter is that Americans face no more danger from ISIS than they do from right wing extremists--and the idea that ISIS threatens either the United States as a country or our way of life is so ludicrous as to be laughable.

But after today's school closings in Los Angeles (which are looking more and more like a big nothing), how many of tonight's Presidential candidate debaters do you suppose won't use the moment for more fear mongering to drive campaign contributions and rile up their base instead of  having the courage to educate their voters that ISIS is no more than a pimple on America's butt?

My guess is it will be the number that ISIS's Arabic ancestors invented:  zero.


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