Monday, December 28, 2015

Practiced at the art of deception

I've noticed that when news channels play clips of  the end of Donald Trump rallies, when he's walking around glad-handing, his organizers play the Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want" and it dawned on me that it was the perfect song for the line of bullshit the republicans are pushing.

I mean, many in America just want good paying jobs, but republicans think they need to suck it up so that CEOs can make even more money.  Most Americans just want a hand up when financial troubles arise, but republicans think they need a good kick in the fanny to keep them going.  Most Americans just want to feel safe, but republicans think they need to be scared shitless.  Most African Americans just want the police to stop shooting their family members willy-nilly, but republicans think they need to believe that white folks lives matter,too, even though they're not being gunned down daily by police officers.

See what I mean?

Either that, or I have waaaaayyyy too much time on my hands these days.

Just for kicks, enjoy:


1 comment:

  1. The Donald's playlist is one of the craziest I've heard on the trail. Hillary plays a lot of T.Swift, Katy Perry, and other contemporary pop songs, mainly by ladies. Bernie plays a lot of old lefties like the Boss -- "We Take Care of Our Own," natch -- and some political punk.
    Trump plays everything from "Rocket Man" to a song from "Cats" to "Under Pressure" to a lot of Stones to Adele and he enters and exits to "Eye of the Tiger." There's some other stuff too, but it's the most random, eclectic and often decent mix I've heard this cycle.
    But your overarching point is also well-taken.
