Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Spending those lottery winnings

Speaking to a group of Iowa voters this week, Marco Rubio laid out his plans for his first day in office as President.  From ending Obamacare and undoing the Iran Treaty to rescinding Obama's executive orders, Rubio would be on it.

Leaving aside the fact Rubio doesn't seem to understand that the President isn't given a magic wand to do as he pleases (those pesky legislative and judicial branches!), shouldn't one at least have to win the fucking nomination before one starts telling voters what one's going to do as the Commander-in-Chief?  For fuck's sake, the last I checked Rubio was a distant third--wouldn't one think he'd at least try to win over republicans before wowing the rest of us with his political "acumen?"

Hell, I'll tell my family how I'm going to spend my Powerball jackpot, but I'm not harebrained enough to run around the streets of Clarkston telling everyone....


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