Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dunderhead of the year? You decide!

Having a conservative say something that's monumentally stupid isn't all that rare, but Elizabeth Hasselbeck of Fox News may have raised the bar so high this week that she'll never be topped.  She used a segment to teach children to use martial arts moves to challenge and disarm a shooter.  This would be colossally bad advice for adults, but in what passes for wisdom on the right, somehow Hasselbeck, and Fox News, thought it would be a fine Mr. Rogers moment for the kiddies.

My youngest son has been taking Tae Kwon Do for six years now and I can flat fucking guarantee that they never taught any of their students one strike, one punch, or one kick that can be used to stop a bullet.  And you want to know why?  Because there fucking isn't one!

One supposes that on a future segment Hasselbeck can teach the kids about finding a radioactive spider, and how if they get bit by one, they can shoot webs from their hands to disarm a shooter....


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