Sunday, December 27, 2015


Louisiana "Governor" Bobby Jindal this week reinstated a provision requiring food stamp recipients without dependents who are able physically to work 20 hours a week--even though the federal government, which pays for said food stamps, granted Louisiana a waiver from the provision because the job market in Louisiana is currently so bad.

Someday, someone is going to have to explain to me the republican determination to fuck over the poor every chance they get--and why anyone who wasn't rich or a racist would continue to vote for their candidates.  As the article states, the move by Jindal will neither save Louisiana any money nor create jobs the recipients need.  Further, Jindal's successor, Democrat Bel Edwards, has already vowed to rescind Jindal's order, though it will still cause suffering for several weeks.  And denying food to hungry folks is hardly Christian and certainly not something that makes America great.

A spokesman for Jindal said, "The best way to break the cycle of poverty is for individuals to get jobs and get off of government assistance."  The sheer and utter ignorance of that statement is beyond being quantifiable.  If thinking "Hey, I'm starving--I know, I'll go get a job!" actually worked, fucking nobody in America who was hungry would not have a job.

Fortunately for the good people of Louisiana, Jindal's political career is over.  Unfortunately for the rest of us, it just means Jindal will turn to some conservative media outlet and continue to spread his hate, ignorance, and callousness while getting paid a fortune to do so.

And, one supposes, twenty hours of work a week ought to provide his family with innumerable feasts, quite unlike the 31,000 constituents who Jindal has left to starve.


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