Thursday, December 17, 2015

The kiss of death for Donald Trump's candidacy

As the man who had Sarah Palin as the GOP nominee in 2012, and was certain it was going to be Jeb! Bush in 2016, I am now going to do what no heinous statement from Donald Trump, or vicious act of one of his followers, has thus far been able to do:  kill his campaign.

I am really beginning to believe that Trump can win the republican nomination.

Ted Cruz may be the candidate du jour for the scared GOP establishment, and the current leader in Iowa, but we've seen how republican establishment candidates fare in the general election (see also:  McCain, John and Romney, Willard) and how republican campaigns fade into oblivion after winning the Iowa Caucus (see also:  Huckabee, Mike and Santorum, Rick).  Ben Carson is as crazy as a shit house rat, but he's neither white enough nor angry enough to pacify republicans' main voters:  angry, white men.  Rubio has shown again and again that he's a lightweight, and if he doesn't like the work that goes into being a U.S. Senator, he's going to like being President of the United States a lot less (it's 24/7/365, Marco--think!).  And the rest?  Well, if you're polling in the low single digits at this point, you can turn out the lights:  the party is over.

The possibility of a brokered convention  has been discussed of late, but there hasn't been one since before I was born (1959), and one could easily see the republican base going full on ape shit if it feels its chosen candidate has been screwed out of the nomination.

And that leaves republicans one Donald J. Trump as their Presidential nominee in 2016.

God only knows who he'll pick for his V.P.


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