Friday, August 24, 2012

They did nothing

All that voter fraud--you know, the black folks in Detroit, the dead Democrats still voting, illegal immigrants.  Hell, there must have been what, eight cases out of the millions of votes cast in the last three years. We've got to have us some voter ID laws here in Michigan....

But recruiting a fake candidate?  Well, gosh, boys will be boys I guess.

I give the Free Press enough grief that when they've earned kudos they should get them as well.  They featured two pieces this week on the Jase Bolger/Roy Schmidt fake candidate recruiting scandal (for which both men, if they had an ounce of integrity, should have resigned and Secretary of State Ruth Johnson--again, if she had an ounce of integrity--would be leading the charge), the first of which calls into question the stopping of the investigation by the detective doing the investigating because he believes records would show that Bolger and Schmidt conspired to commit perjury.  The second was the Prosecutor, republican William Forsyth, who shut it down on July 17th giving his fairly lame reasoning as being he thought it was critical that the primary voters have this information.  Which considering Schmidt's only challenge was a write-in candidate (write-ins virtually never succeed) and that Schmidt still'd have to believe, in the middle of the summer, had virtually no effect and sounds more or less like covering his ass reasoning.

Not that anything will be done, mind you.  Remember, republicans only care about voter fraud when it involves suppressing Democratic votes under false pretenses and subverting Democracy.  If republicans are cheating it's a wink and a nod and off they go.

Have I mentioned republicans and gutlessness yet tonight?


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