Friday, August 24, 2012

Cowardice, Part II

So Willard was in Commerce, Michigan today and made a comment about nobody asking to see his birth certificate, I guess because he was born here, though he hasn't actually lived in Michigan in forty some odd years.  I guess it got quite a few cheers, which is kind of surprising--if I lived in a pit like Commerce I'd be pretty pissed at republicans.  It's their policies over the past thirty years that have turned it into the cesspool it is.

Later Willard said he was trying to be humorous ("Obamaloney" is an attempt--an exceedingly lame attempt--to be humorous) but this was merely the usual republican racism.  Get the white folk are riled up about those colored folks (you would be amazed at how many white Michiganders still think "colored" is an acceptable reference to African-Americans).

And it dawned on me as the day wore on that in addition to his insensitivity, his character void, his lack of convictions, and his disrespect for Americans not of his ilk, that one of the main drawbacks to Willard winning the Presidency is that the man is just plain gutless.  The man just won't stand up to anybody and he won't say what he really means.

If he thinks the birthers are nut jobs, just say so.  If he thinks they have a valid point, say it.  But this mealy-mouthed pandering to his base is just pathetic and makes him look weak and weaker.

All the gold in California isn't going to mean much when you have gonads the size of bbs, Willard.


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