Friday, August 24, 2012

Cowardice, Part I

This post (though I'm sure he'll never see it) is for the limp dick who drove past me today, and apparently angry about the Liberal bumper stickers on my car, gave me the finger:

A real man faces his enemies and uses his power of persuasion to try and change the other's viewpoint.  A real man would have at least rolled down his window while screaming his viewpoint.  A real man wouldn't have tucked tail and run by speeding away.  A real man would have realized there was a child in the car (so much for those family values you folks are always harping on, huh?), and maybe have tempered his vulgar reaction.

But you're a republican, or more likely, an Antoinette.  You wouldn't know anything about being a real man, would you?  You're far too afraid to argue on the merits because you know I'm right and you're just another in a long line of lap dogs who think the wealthy and corporations are going to eventually toss you a bone (they never do, though, do they?) if you support them.  Frankly, if you had an ounce of sense, you'd take your anger out on your party's leadership--they're the ones who sold you a bill of worthless goods.  I've got the goods to set you free.

By the way, the bumper stickers aren't on the car to anger you. I've given up on your type to stand up for anything that is good for America or Americans.  No, the bumper stickers are there as a show of support and solidarity to my Liberal brothers and sisters.  You know, the people who are actually trying to make our country a better place for all Americans and not drag us into an ugly abyss like you people would have.


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