Sunday, August 12, 2012

More conservative malarkey

It reaches a point where it becomes almost absurd, this conservative belief that apart from defense, the U. S. Government is to blame for all that is wrong and not responsible for anything that is good.

As if no business ever hired someone who had a public education, as if none of their workers ever drove on roads that the government built--hell, that none of them shopped at stores or used auto mechanics or saw doctors that never benefited from the internet or the NIH or welfare benefits.

But it doesn't stop numbnuts like Nolan Finley from peddling their peculiar and misinformed bullshit about individual initiative and the evil government--and making like a scratched record and repeating their tired mantra of how terrible those (not so) high taxes on corporations and the wealthy are to boot.  Yawn.  The piece was like every other such piece written by a comatose republican--so riddled with inaccuracies and specious arguments that my seven-year-old could successfully rebut it.

Finley does make a piss-poor stab at humor (remember, conservatism by its very nature is antithetical to good humor--no rebellion allowed) when he refers to President Obama as President Pinocchio...which is lame even for someone who has all the cleverness of a dead tree stump.

And he closes with an almost admission that the President will probably win re-election and then, ooh scary, it's going to be on us foolish voters and we'll suffer all the horrible consequences.

Like you know, the country not falling into another Great Recession, and not having Wall Street fail and having to spend our tax dollars to bail out their asses, and not watching income inequality continue to have us resemble a Third World country, and maybe having a chance to have more decent wages for normal folks, and not fighting two pointless wars, and not having the social safety net shredded, and maybe having our grandparents still have a guaranteed income and decent healthcare in the later years, and....

I could probably go on for two or three more hours, but you get the drift and I've got to get some sleep before work tomorrow.


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