Saturday, August 18, 2012

One fish

The question, what do we want in a President, posited by the Free Press's Rochelle Riley for her handful of readers, was predictably banal to begin with, but the answers she got were even worse.  Hell, if that's the best her readers can do, I really wish none of them would vote because their answers were

We need someone who can pull both parties together to work out America's problems.  No we don't--we'll end up with the usual diluted policies and laws that do nothing but continue the status quo.  We need an honest President--what the fuck?  So is this some kind of cheap shot at President Obama?  Because from what I've seen--and I've had my disappointment with the President, too--he's about as honorable a man as I've seen in the Oval Office since I began following politics in 1976.  We don't need packaged candidates, we need to talk about what we need--yawn, yawn, yawn.  Bunch of hypocritical bullshit from a bunch of boneheads who have all the policy knowledge of your average Antoinette.

The one I did like, though a bit naive, was the one, who referring to the Christmas classic "It's a Wonderful Life," said he wanted a President who strove to make us more like idyllic Bedford Falls than the nightmarish Pottersville of George Bailey's misguided wish.  I'd settle for a President who pointed out that if republicans had their way, we'd be Pottersville in less than a year....

No, what this country really needs (for starters) in a President is one who will stand up to the republican party, tell the American people what their true agenda is (your abject poverty), push for national health care, gut Wall Street and corporate America of its financial clout, restore the power of unions, and above all else stay the fuck away from Conventional Wisdom devotees like Ms. Riley who through their utter lack of conviction have helped lay the groundwork for the destruction of our poor and our middle class.

And a note for her African-American friend who feels so upset about feeling forced to vote for her fellow African-American merely because he's black, too:  try voting for the other guy.  My guess is, in about a month, the disappointment you feel in President Obama will seems like fishing in heaven compared to the utter horror of a Daddy Warbucks/Jughead Presidency.


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