Saturday, August 11, 2012

Game on

Just a hunch, judging from the 37,000 or so e-mails I received today from like-minded political organizations, but it seems Willard made quite an interesting pick today for his running mate.

I think his choice of Paul Ryan could be a spectacular one--if the national media is honest and lets the American people know the draconian agenda Ryan favors and Willard just signed up for.  In the simplest of terms, Romney/Ryan just blindfolded America's poor, middle class, and elderly  and handed them a live grenade.  If they figure out what it is in those first few seconds and toss it, well bully for them.  If not--oh well, it's their own goddamned fault.

And if the Democratic Party actually stands up for its ideals.  Beause we have the chance to show many Americans (forget the Antoinettes--they're hopeless) that there is truly a stark difference between us and them.  We see an America where all people are equal, where opportunity arises for all, where we look after the least of our brothers.  They see an America where you wouldn't piss on your next door neighbor if he was on fire unless you got paid a nickel first.  After seeing the Pavlovian salivating going on from most of those on the left today, I'd like to hope that's the choice we show them.

Unforunately, as we've seen all too often over the past four years, it doesn't often happen that way.

Still, the one person who has to be happiest about this is Joe Biden--can't imagine Jughead is going to charm his way into making a better impression than previously thought possible in the Veep debate.  He'll just be his heartless regular self.


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