Sunday, August 26, 2012

Recreating what has yet to be created

I don't know if it's the republican ability to ignore facts and believe the demonstrably untrue (creationism, President Obama's not being born in America, the wealthy create jobs) or just a complete and total lack of intelligence, but the people quoted in this article really think Mitt Romney is going to win.  I mean, they just don't think he's going to win, they think he's going to win in a rout.  Two different people are quoted as saying--one of whom says she pays very close attention to politics--that they don't believe the current polls are correct and that the race really isn't close, with Romney being well ahead.  I truly believe this isn't just spin--I think they're the same people who believe there's really a silent majority (actually it's a very vocal minority) who believes all the gibberish they put forth.

They really think that this week's convention is going to show the American people the Willard Romney only they see in their fantasies, and the race is going to be over.  While a lot can happen in the next two months (McCain actually lead President Obama in mid-September 2008 before the Lehmann Bros. collapse and McCain's disastrous reaction to it), there is nothing Willard is going to do this week that is going to change the perception of him as being a filthy rich man who invests money overseas to avoid paying taxes, is hiding something because he's not releasing his taxes, has no idea and no concern for what it's like to be 99% of Americans, and has all the personality of a fucking mannequin.  Honestly, if unemployment was at five or six percent right now, this race would be over.  (And I think most in the media know it is anyway, and that barring some unforseen disaster, President Obama is going to win a closer popular vote than in 2008, but still a comfortable--320 to 330--electoral vote.  It is, though, in their best interest to have us keep believing it's close so we keep watching the news and reading the paper.)

What's going to be truly frightening, though, is what the republicans' reaction is going to be when the news channels are announcing President Obama's re-election by ten or eleven o'clock on November 6th.  For fuck's sake--they knew Obama was going to win last time around and we've been subjected to their nutso bullshit for almost four years now--the birth certificate bullshit, the Muslim bullshit, Obama's not an American (read not white like us) bullshit, we want him to fail bullshit, the he's a socialist bullshit (aided, of course, by a media that is all too willing to put these inanities forth knowing full well they're not anywhere near the vicinity of reality, for the sake of being fair to both sides, which should also be known as journalistic malpractice).

My guess is this time around it's going to have something to do with the Man in the Moon rigging voting machines.  Heaven forbid republicans ever lose because their ideas have failed us again and again and a majority of Americans have come to realize it.


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