Sunday, August 25, 2013

Scenes from an American Trainwreck, Part 4

The 1918 flu pandemic infected 500 million people around the world, and killed 50-100 million people.  Twenty-eight percent of the people in the United States were affected by this flu and it killed over 500,000 Americans.  Many scientists consider it to be the worst medical disaster in history.

Many of today's scientists think it's only a matter of time before another pandemic of such epic proportions strikes the world again.  First the good news:  thanks to our wisely spent tax dollars, the National Institute of Health believes we may only be five years from a universal vaccine, which would also work against a massive pandemic.  And for the bad news--thanks to the republicans sequester cuts (too many Democrats have been duped by the evil forces of austerity, but let's face it, if we had control of the House, this sequester bullshit would be a long gone mother fucker) that target date will probably be pushed back because of a lack of funding. 

Feelin' lucky, punk?

Because that's what republicans are counting on--luck that another widespread pandemic won't occur.  So they can continue to throw our tax money to the wealthy, at the expense of the poor and the middle class.

Remember this:  if there is another outbreak similar to 1918, it won't be the children of republican senators and congresspeople that will die.  It won't be the children of the moneyed elite.

It will be our kids.


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