Thursday, August 29, 2013

Reason #1258

Although we've seen it so often before (austerity measures which have actually made the deficit worse, being against unemployment and SNAP benefits even though they offer the greatest return on our tax dollars of any expenditure, refusing Medicaid as part of Obamacare on principle rather than as a matter of economics and costing their states even more money, hell, even supporting the right to continue using old-fashioned light bulbs even though they use much more energy and don't last nearly as long) the credibility republicans have on fiscal responsibility is about that of Charles Manson claiming he believes in the Golden Rule.

Another case in point:  the state of Utah has spent $30,000 since they passed a welfare reform law last year requiring welfare applicants to undergo drug testing and have caught...wait for it, wait for it...12 fucking people.

I know it's a republican wet dream that every welfare recipient is a crack-addicted mother with eleven kids, but the plain truth of the matter is that the vast majority of welfare recipients are just ordinary folks, and if they can't afford to buy food for their kids, they certainly can't afford to buy dope.

If the republicans really wanted to protect our tax dollars they'd shut the fuck up and go home.


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