Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Phuck you

Seems Phil Mickelson won $2.2 million dollars for winning two golf tournaments over the course of two weeks in the British Isles, and after taxes, he "only" cleared $900,000 for hitting a little ball across a lot of grass into a hole.  This, Mickelson claims is making it hard to motivate himself to work harder.

Setting aside the fact that Mickelson should get down on his hands and knees every single day for the rest of his life and give thanks for getting paid an exorbitant amount of money for playing a game that serves no discernible good whatsoever for the fate of the planet, can you imagine the uproar if a real athlete, like Tom Brady or Derek Jeter, had said the same about the taxes they pay?  Instead, the "readers" of Breitfart act as if Mickelson is Nelson fucking Mandela.

If it's such a burden, though, Mickelson can always retire and manage retail stores for a living.  He'd quickly find that fear of starvation and homelessness are excellent motivators for working harder.

At the very least he'd learn--as I have--that having a gut that hangs over your belt sure gets in the way when you're trying to pick up all the shit customers drop on the salesfloor.


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