Monday, August 26, 2013

Scenes from an American trainwreck, Coda

And the beat goes on:
  • Republicans across the country, from state legislatures to the U.S. Congress, are happy to help turn the rest of America into Detroit--they won't fund public education, they won't fund improvements in our infrastructure, and they won't lift a finger to combat our epidemic of gun violence.
  • The republican party's assaults on ordinary Americans have gone beyond the pale--cutting funding for SNAP benefits in an historic economic downturn, spending $50 million trying to repeal Obamacare 40 different times, refusing to pass sensible immigration reforms, restricting voting rights with no basis in facts, restricting a woman's right to choose, and obstructing judicial and cabinet nominations in unprecedented numbers.  They do not have the best interests of anybody other than the 20% of Americans who make up their base, i.e., the Antoinettes.
  • Looking for a job?  Don't read this piece--republican attacks on the working men and women of our country have resulted in record corporate profits while wages are falling, the middle class is getting smaller, McJobs are becoming the standard, unemployment is twice what we read, the cost of college is at historic highs, and income inequality is rivaling that of the Roman Empire.  Thanks, Donnie Downer!
And in the end, from the double standards on CEO performance to the Wal-Martization of our workforce, from the Senate's catering to the wealthy to the sequester's effects literally putting our lives at risk, from the republicans' war on ordinary Americans to the futility of our job market, it's all about fairness.

Whether it is economic justice, equality before our laws, or equal access to healthcare, any time a majority of a republic's citizens do not feel they are being treated fairly that republic--and especially a democratic republic--is in serious trouble.

It is my sincerest hope that the trend lines showing America's young people leaning to the left in massive numbers will be enough to eventually offset the inequality that the Reagan Devolution has brought us over the last thirty some odd years.

If not, it's going to make the French Revolution look quaint--the French, after all, were never promised an equal chance for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.


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