Thursday, March 17, 2011

Well lookee here...

From Wisconsin to Ohio to...Michigan--ta-da! In an earlier post I noted our own Gov. Snyder's stealth attempt to accomplish the same union-busting, middle class destroying that Gov. Walker did in Wisconsin by giving unilateral powers to emergency financial managers. It's a done deal.... This bill is a disaster in the making--it effectively takes away our voting rights and turns municipal financial disasters into republican wet dreams to sell our hometowns to the highest bidders. So why is Stephen Henderson--the liberal (what the mother fucking fuck?) voice of the Free Press--telling us to stop the hysteria on financial managers? My guess is, once again, surprise, surprise, media fail. Fortunately, we have many alternative sources for our news these days, and anyone wanting to learn the truth about republican Gov. Snyder's plans can check out Think Progress's piece on the republican Governor's plan to cut corporate taxes by 86% while raising taxes for the poor and middle class; or their piece on how the republican's power grab may be unconstitutional; even better, Joan McCarter of the Daily Kos is calling on us Michiganders to hop on the recall bandwagon and get the constitutional amendments ready for the voters...where do I sign up? And I still subscribe to the Free Press because...can anyone give me a good reason I should? A couple of nice pieces that you'll also never see in a traditional media outlet (e.g., the Free Press) are this one by Robert Creamer which is full of mind opening stats, explains why we need unions now more than ever, and posits (and I believe) that what unions are fighting for in Wisconsin (and I'll add Ohio and Michigan to the mix) is the very survival of the middle class. The other, by U. S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, is a nice nostaglic look at her upbringing in a union household (and brought back a few memories for me of being raised in one for at least a few years) and speaks to the continued relevance of unions in America today. Look for the union label indeed.... Peace, emaycee

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