Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thank you Wisconsin republicans!

Who could ever have imagined, after the disaster for Democrats that was the November 2010 elections...

...that my mailbox would be exploding with e-mails from Liberal and Progressive groups like it hasn't since the elections of 2008?

...that I would actually be devouring them with enjoyment?

...that I'd be donating money again to the cause (even though I can't afford it)?

...that Rachel, Lawrence, and Big Ed would be frothing at the mouths every night over republican overreach and I'd be hanging on every word?

...that I'd be writing letters to the editor assailing the republican war against the middle class (okay, okay, I would have done that one anyway)?

...that unions would be the good guys?

...that the American people would finally begin to understand that the class warfare they've been warned against has actually been going on for quite a while and they're losing badly?

...that the Democrats might (key word) actually have a chance to reverse the losses--especially in the U. S. House--in the 2012 elections?

...that Liberals, Labor Unions, and Democrats would be as fired up as they've been since George W. Bush was spending his days fucking Americans over?

Thank you Scott Walker and the Wisconsin republican state legislatures--it's all because of you!


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