Saturday, March 19, 2011

Republican bullshit

Seems the MEA, Michigan's largest teacher's union, is sending out feelers for possible teacher strikes. The republican response? One Jase (what the fuck kind of name is Jase? Sounds like some punk ass high schooler) Bolger, republican House Speaker from Marshall, said, "I encourage teachers to send a clear message to the union bosses [Aside: what the mother fucking fuck? Union bosses? What, are we filming a remake of On the Waterfront?] that they are out of control and Michigan's children need to come first." Seriously. He fucking said Michigan's children need to come first--except of course for that $470 per pupil cut so we can have that 1.8 billion cut in business taxes. And except, just one more time, for the EITC, so we can have that 1.8 billion cut in business taxes. The sheer hypocrisy of losers like "Jase" is completely beyond me--and what's even scarier is that there are people stupid enough to actually buy his bullshit. Gov. Snyder and his republican cronies in Michigan's legislature have only one concern--busting Michigan's unions at the expense of the standard of living of Michigan's middle class. So please spare us the Snyder's reinventing Michigan's pure Michigan bullshit. Peace, emaycee

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