Monday, March 28, 2011

North Dakota it is!

Earlier this year I made the point (more or less) that the choice facing Michigan as a member of the freezing fucking cold belt (those states roughly in Michigan's latitude, all of which are known for their arctic like weather) was whether we wanted to be a middle of the pack state (Wisconsin or Minnesota) or a state that basically no one except those who live there give a fuck about (North Dakota or South Dakota). Looks like Gov. Snyder is making that choice for us...and the winner is...North Fucking Dakota!


Being a former CEO, Gov. Snyder likes the unilateral power that comes with such a job, and he's doing his best to make the job of governor as dictatorial as possible with his emergency financial managers and public sector union busting. Give Brian Dickerson his props--kind of amazing how much republicans hate government having power over us until it involves busting public unions. I smell...bullshit in the air!

In addition to being able to cut your pay, dissolve your union, and oust your democratically elected leaders at the whim of an emergency financial "manager," Michigan citizens will now also be able to collect, at twenty weeks, the least lengthy unemployment benefits in the nation. Thanks once again, Governor! According to Jase "I Hate The Middle Class and The Poor" Bolger, Michigan's Speaker of the House, this was needed to strike "a balance between helping the unemployed in the short term and helping the job providers in the long term." What the mother fucking fuck? Corporations in Michigan need another tax break on top of their $1.8 billion giveaway? Jesus fucking Christ, most of our unemployment crisis has been caused by the ineptitude of the auto industry executives and we want to reward them even more for being incompetent?

Sometimes it seems as if I've entered an alternate universe where down is up, hot is cold, and logic is nonexistent.


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