Friday, March 4, 2011

Creating your own reality

One of the things we Liberals really suck at is pulling opinions out of our ass, facts be damned. We like our opinions to be cemented with facts, be it statistics or polls. We speak truth to power. Unfortunately (and a lot of blame can be laid at the feet of our lazy national media) this does not work in our favor. Republicans are marvelous at telling us what America wants, regardless of whether or not its true. Apparently fox news, tea party members, their fellow republicans, and conservative pundits and personalities make up 90% of their inner circles--because they are utterly clueless when it comes to understanding what the American people want. Old Nolan has published a couple of beauts over the past two weekends. In the first, old Nolan waxes rhapsodically about two governors and the freshman class of congressman who all have one thing in common: they're listening to the voters. Uh...not so fucking fast there, Nolan. The first governor cited was Michigan's own Rick Snyder: as I noted in an earlier post, Michigan's voters are hardly overwhelmed with Gov. Snyder's proposals. Apparently Gov. Snyder's ears are filled with waxy build-up, because Michigan voters aren't feeling the love. The second was Wisconin's Scott Walker--who is dealing with a two week protest which has basically shut down his state capitol and his disapproval rating after two months in office is at 57%. Apparently Gov. Walker is suffering from short term hearing loss, because I'm not even sure were Charles Manson to be elected governor of Wisconsin could his ratings plummet as quickly. The last group cited by old Nolan is the republican freshman class of congressmen and their budget cutting mania. Seems, oddly enough, the American people are a lot more interested in jobs than cutting the deficit, and even stranger, can't really decide what they want cut, though it's definitely not Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or K-12 education. And hell, over 80% of us are in favor of taxing millionaires to help balance the budget (same poll as last). Apparently the republican freshman class is completely deaf because less than 20% of Americans are in favor of cutting entitlements and giving tax cuts to the rich. What the motherfucking fuck, Nolan? In the second, Nolan laments the AWOL Wisconsin 14, and claims with what one would assume is a straight face, that they are defying the ballot box. One can assume that old Nolan felt, after the can of whupass the Dems opened on republicans in 2006 and 2008, that Senate republicans who filibustered virtually everything the Dems proposed were also defying the American people. And you know what they say happens when you assume.... In the end, though, I'm beginning to believe (though not completely sold), like Robert Creamer in this piece, that our future lies in pinnning our money, hope, and future with labor unions--they're not perfect, but it's people power and it's the best fighting tool we have against corporations, wall street, the wealthy elite, and conservative pundits who are much better at lying than we are. Peace, emaycee

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