Sunday, November 21, 2010

A long December

Man, it just keeps getting more depressing....

With "Liberal" media like this, who needs enemies? Jesus Christ, the Catfood Commission's recommendations don't make me queasy, they make me feel hopeless for the country's future. There is nothing in them except more gifts for the wealthy. What part of the American people aren't interested in cuts, raising the retirement age, and favor raising the ceiling on Social Security's imposition of taxes don't these ignorant mother fuckers understand? For the life of me, is there no one who understands that we couldn't care less about the deficit? It's fucking jobs, fucking jobs, fucking jobs. Period.

Even more depressing is this--Republicans are now more trusted on Social Security than Democrats. The people who want to destroy it, or turn it over to the whims of the hookers and coke crowd on wall street is more trusted than the party that created it and has saved it for nearly eighty years--think about that. Ahem...maybe it's best you don't.

There's more: the gop has blocked an extension of unemployment benefits for what will probably be the first of many times (and they don't even have control of the House yet) which means there's a good chance the children of nearly two million families won't be seeing presents from Santa under their trees this year--and since spending drives our economy, it will likely be in park for a while longer. Seven hundred billion in tax cuts for the wealthy, but no Christmas presents for the kids of the middle class--and Americans decided to put these pinheads in charge for the next two years. I would have thought...coke and hookers for wall street on one hand...goodies from Santa on the other...would have been a no brainer, but what the fuck do I know? I just actually, you know, give a fuck about my fellow Americans. More important that Obama is a one-term President (not that he doesn't deserve it) than the poor and middle class, uh, eat.

Finally, this piece and this one, show us that we're about to be taken to the cleaners again by the "less taxes on the wealthy mean jobs and prosperity for the rest of us" crowd. No evidence, no past success, but we'll be suffering with less for the great lie. I lived through Reagan's trickle down bullshit, lived through George W.'s less taxes on millionaires is good economic policy, and all I saw through both of them was the wealthier getting wealthier, and the rest of us stagnating. You'll pardon fucking me if I just can't fucking wait for the next round--I'll probably end up with a cut in pay and no health benefits so my company's CEO can own ten houses instead of six. In my favorite words...fuck you, next idiot please!

But the week wasn't entirely lost (brace yourselves): a Free Press columnist, Brian Dickerson, actually calls out republicans for their lie about the cost of Obama's recent trip to Asia--though, being a professional columnist and all, he doesn't call them liars. Nope, he just calls them fucking idiots (in a nice professional columnist sort of way). Good times....

How pathetic is that? The only hope I can find is a relatively calm column chastising republicans for their idiocy. In the immortal words of one Boz Scaggs: "Danger, there's a breakdown dead ahead...."


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