Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thank you, America!

Contrary to what you may believe, the midterm election results of yesterday did not allow you to "take back your country." Nope, what you did was hand the keys back to the same bozos who let corporations and Wall Street run crazy and nearly destroyed the middle class--and now you've given them the power to finish the job. Well fucking done America!

For a great perspective on the disaster that Barack Obama has been for Democrats and the Liberal agenda, please read this--I think it perfectly sums up my thoughts that Obama is a great campaigner for himself, not so much for the rest of us.

Can somebody please shut up people like Evan Bayh, Paul Begala, and Mark Penn? The last thing Obama or the Democrats need is to be centrists. Here are the facts: young people did not turn out to vote, minorities did not turn out to vote, and Liberals did not turn out to vote. These are among the most Progressive members of our coalition. The Blue Dogs lost better than 50% of their races--the Progessive caucus won 94% of their races. And we need to tack right? Fuck you, next idiot please! And shame on Arianna Huffington for running two of those bullshit pieces--with Liberals like that, who needs republicans?

Don't believe you got swindled by the republicans? Watch this: I was literally screaming at her while she was on the tube last night. It was all bullshit--this election was bought and paid for by corporations, their fellators (yes, you, chamber of commerce) and wall street, so the republicans could do their bidding at our expense. Period.

Looking for a silver lining? The two states that usually lead the way for Liberals, New York and California, had the good sense to stay the course, electing, respectively, a Democratic Governor and two Democratic Senators and a Democratic Governor and a Democratic Senator. All is not lost....

Keep up the fight, never quit--we're the good guys and eventually, we will prevail for all of America, not just old, white people....


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