Sunday, November 7, 2010

How not to read the tea leaves

You have to love the naivete of The Detroit Free Press. Apparently, their editorial staff paid absolutely no attention during this past election cycle, and cannot read the basic polls that have been cast over the past few days. They are right--Michigan's new Governor, Rick Snyder, does need to keep the GOP's super majority in check, and focus solely on the economy. The odds of this happening, however, are about the same as me hitting a five hundred foot home run off of Tim Lincecum: absolute zero. They cannot be foolish enough to think that a party that found Mike Castle, Lisa Murkowski, and Bob Bennet too liberal for their tastes is going to be satisfied with a moderate republican in the Governor's mansion; Snyder has to know that if he doesn't toe the radical right line, he's going to face a challenge in 2014 from the far right. And can anybody imagine the chamber of commerce or all the outstate special interest groups who poured millions into Snyder's campaign settling for anything but the utter destruction of the working class and the poor in Michigan (less taxes and less government aid and all that bullshit, that you know, only keeps our state running so we're not as backwoods, as say, the shithole that is Mississippi)? But beyond their wishful thinking, was their total misread of the national electorate: "But the dangers of overreaching (the primary lesson of the from the first two years of Barack Obama's presidency) should be prominent in everyone's mind." Really? I mean, what the fuck, really? Obama overreached? On fucking what? If they're stupid enough to believe that had Obama and the Democrats passed a public option, told wall street to go fuck itself on bonuses, passed real immigration reform, passed a stimulus that actually had teeth and infrastructure improvements that created real jobs, that Democratic voters would have still stayed home, they have no business analyzing the hairs on my ass, let alone what lessons we learned from Obama's first two years. No--know what should really concern Snyder? The fact that a whopping 45% of registered voters turned out for this past week's midterms. What happens in 2012 when those numbers go back up to 60%--and the kids and the minorities and the liberals turn out again? That supermajority could (key word) shrink awfully fast. I will give the Free Press' Stephen Henderson credit for getting this right--the performance of the Michigan Democratic party was beyond brutal, and its Chairman, Mark Brewer, should be sent packing. The only thing Brewer deserves credit for is leading us to the worst ass-kicking in history--he pulled off the nearly impossible and led us to defeat in every major office in the entire fucking state! Well done, Mark (you fucking idiot)! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.... Peace, emaycee

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