Sunday, November 14, 2010

The revolution will not be televised

Or even occur, for that matter.

It seems the Catfood Commission has laid out some "bold" ideas--bad ideas would be a more apt description. In fairness, the odds of this passing even the Catfood Commission itself is slim, but let's take a peek at some of these "ideas:" 1) Increase Social Security retirement age--Why? Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. 2) Eliminate popular tax deductions such as the child tax credit and mortgage interest--see end point. 3) Cut income tax rates from 35% to 23%--because that worked so fucking well under George W., with the deficit setting records, the slowest job growth since fucking Hoover, and wages stagnating. What the fuck? 4) Raise gas tax 15 cents a gallon--see end point, again. 5) Freeze pay of most (one assumes big shots and congress would be exempt) federal employees for three years and cut federal work force by 10%--once again, at end point. 6) Limit or end the tax-free status of employer-provided healthcare--end point.

The endpoint: does anyone but me notice a theme here? The entire fucking exercise is on the backs of the middle class and one would be hard pressed to find one area where the wealthy are going to have to cut anything--and stand to only get wealthier. In a few words, fuck you, next idiot please! Who the fuck hired these people--the Koch brothers? Thank God for Nancy Pelosi, who may be the only sane politician left in this country, who said the ideas as set forth are "unacceptable." This set of proposals is utter bullshit and continues those of us who make up the middle class on the losing side of the class war.

Want more proof the revolution is finito? The gutless Obama administration has already given up the next two years and intends to play defense. Yeah, that ought to inspire us to get out and vote in 2012. The bankers are already licking their chops for the incoming republican house--hard to imagine the banks could fuck us over even more than they did under George W., but thanks to Citizen's United, there's even more money to be had by republicans for fellating the bankers at our expense. Oh, and Heath Shuler is still mulling a run against Pelosi for minority leader, calling Pelosi's tenure "unacceptable." Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha--if the Democratic Party wants to head to its extinction, it really needs to listen to people like Shuler.

I really like this piece about rebuilding the Democratic Party, but after 34 years of watching it fail to live up to its ideals, I'm not holding my breath. Charlie Brown may have never given up hope that Lucy would actually let him kick the damn football, but I pretty much have.


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