Sunday, November 14, 2010

Teach your children well

And whatever you do, keep them away from traditional media....

As I've noted before, I really enjoy Leonard Pitts' columns, and don't necessarily always agree with him--but in this one, he's just a little too defensive, and a lot mistaken.

I never really thought much about whether or not Keith Olbermann made political donations, but if I had, I probably would have been more surprised that he didn't make contributions to Liberal leaning candidates than the fact that he has. Mr. Pitts seems to be overly bothered by Olbermann's contributions, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why. Keith Olbermann--like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, or even a peon like the Detroit News' Nolan Finley and his appearances at tea party functions--is not committed to the appearance of impartiality. He is an advocate for the cause of Liberalism, much as the previously noted conservative commentators are advocates for whatever bullshit is passing as thought in republican/tea party circles these days. The claim that he was supposed to have asked permission is, frankly, silly. If Keith Olbermann was peddling conservative drivel like the aforementioned dolts, I wouldn't watch ten seconds of his show. I watch because he's Liberal--and I expect him to put his money where his mouth (so to speak) is.

In the end, I think Mr. Pitts outrage is more his own embarrassment than an integrity issue. I could be mistaken, but I don't recall him writing a column complaining about the O'Reillys and Hannities making political contributions (for the record, I have no problems with them making donations either, other than being a good waste of cash). Perhaps this is because it's much easier to debunk the arguments they make (and about the supposed Liberal media bias) because they live in an alternate reality (which means more or less, they believe it, it's true, facts be damned). It's a lot harder to debunk Mr. Olbermann (or Rachel Maddow or Ed Schulz) for spending the last several years showing us again and again how the media have failed the American people again and again--and in the interest of impartiality, have let a false narrative worsen the lives of Americans, and lessen our nation.


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