Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sing a song of sixpence....

Sunday silliness... OBAMA (Sung to the tune of Ritchie Valens' "Donna") Obama, Obama Obama, Obama I had a dream Obama was his name Since he took office It's never been the same Cause I love my dream Obama, where can you be? Why can't you see? Public option is gone Wall Street still rules the roost We're left all alone Corporations still give us the boot Cause he never gave liberals a whirl Obama, where can you be? Why can't you see? Well, Obama, you promised change And all liberals got was the screw All the effort and all the time, wasted on you-ou-ou I had a dream Obama was his name He played it safe When republicans got mean Can you save us, Howard Dean? Obama, where can you be? Why can't you see? Obama, Obama Obama, Obama Peace, emaycee

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