Monday, December 6, 2010

President Chickenshit

Here's a surprise--President Chickenshit caved again and the American people are the big losers. No jobs will come of this, wages will not increase, and the economic recovery will continue to putter along. Just another kick in the teeth to the Democratic party and its fervent base supporters. Does anybody really believe Obama is going to fight the tax cuts for the wealthy two years from now? Does anybody really believe Obama is going to fight for anything that benefits the 98% of Americans who aren't wealthy? Does anybody really believe Obama is going to ever fight for anything of value for the American people without giving everything away in some half-assed hope for bipartisanship? And while we're at it, I've had it with articles like this one, where some fucking genius tells us what Obama should do, or needs to do. Fucking forget it--it's been two years and Obama hasn't shown once that he's going to do anything that's popular with the base of the party, or in the best interest of the American people. Can anyone tell what the Democratic Party is supposed to stand for anymore? Between the Catfood Commission (horrible idea from the start), Dick Durbin capitulating already on Social Security, and 14 Democratic Senators signing on to their support for the Catfood Commission's recommendations, what are we? Near as I can figure, we're the party of mediocrity--hey, we won't help you, but we won't fuck you over as bad as the republicans. Woo-fucking-hoo--can't wait to waste another vote in 2012. My vote for Obama in 2008, without a doubt, is now the most disappointing vote of my life (not that I had much choice--Grumpy McCain and Dopey Palin would have been catastrophic). Time to take down the Obama poster in the Beautiful Boy's bedroom--is he someone I really want my son to emulate? Methinks not. Peace, emaycee

1 comment:

  1. Here's a new poster for the Beautiful Boy's room:

    Bernie Sanders is someone I would like to emulate.
