Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Class Warfare III

At least this one isn't a surprise. The Detroit News proudly bills itself as a conservative stink tank.... Apparently old Nolan thinks (if you can call what he does "thinking") that the public sector unions should follow the suit of certain private sector unions and sell out their brothers and sisters so the rich can get richer, and the rest of us can continue to fall farther and farther behind. Thanks, but no fucking thanks. All unions need to stay strong and not accept bad deals from greedy corporations whose wants will only continue to grow if they don't. There is nothing good that comes from unions accepting job cuts, wage cuts, or benefit cuts--and it only empowers corporations that don't have to deal with unions to offer their people the same bad deals. This is not, as Finley claims, a matter of profits. Frankly, it is a matter of needs versus wants, with the needs being jobs, decent wages, and good benefits, and the wants being unadulterated greed. Public sector employees need to start reminding the people of this country that they provide valued and vital services, and that they're worth every penny of what they get paid. Can you afford private school for your kids? Can you afford a private security detail? Can you afford to pave the roads you drive on? If not (about 95% of us), then sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Game, set, match...emaycee. Peace, emaycee

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