Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can't stop my wondering...

Can anybody think of a good reason to read Huff Post anymore? Between frivolity (divorce.com or Blackberries r' Us), the umpteen pieces about what Obama needs to do (he won't, so spare us and give us a real alternative), and the too numerous to mention articles about some New Age Nirvana, what's the point? It might as well be Time or Newsweek.

If you're thinking about watching The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell in the hopes that it will be another good jolt of Liberalism like Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann, skip it. Tonight he had a feature on Obama's "compromise" on the Bush tax cuts, and it was like watching Bill O'Reilly argue with a liberal--O'Donnell (who is in favor of the capitulation, believing it to be the best deal Obama could get) had four guests and never let any of them make their points before cutting in with why they were wrong. It was brutal--had I been one of the guests, it would be the last time I'd ever be on the show. Who the fuck thought this show was a good follow-up to Maddow and Olbermann?

Can anyone think of a Democrat with national prominence from the last few years who we can be prouder of than Elizabeth Edwards? May she rest in peace....

My eldest (the talented writer in the family) sent me this heartbreaking article from Mother Jones which, unfortunately, is all too familiar for those of us who live in and around the great city of Detroit. Callousness, corruption, greed, tragedy--and more children dead that shouldn't be. When will it end? Is it even possible to find solutions? Long, but well worth the read.

Why is it that outside of liberal bloggers Rep. Jan Schakowsky's alternative to the Catfood Commission's recommendations has received very little media attention? It's fair, it doesn't put the burden of fixing America's fiscal disasters on the backs of the poor and middle class, and would put a signigicantly bigger dent in the deficit than the shit Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson are pushing. Her plan should be front page on every newspaper, every magazine, and the top story on every news show--and is further proof of how the wealthy elite control our media, and the continuing crushing of the poor and middle class in the continuing class war that Reagan and his cronies engineered in the 1980s.

Can anybody begin to imagine a republican President having a news conference and berating his party's base? Does anyone but me wonder what the fuck President Obama was thinking when he did it today? Alas, I only have my usual retort: fuck you, next idiot please!

Can I get a witness? A-fucking-men!


1 comment:

  1. I almost wrote a piece about the failings of the Huff Post, and I might have included a line about it in a recent blog, but I can't remember (with all the shit finals has me remembering, I struggle to remember what day it is). I would probably compare it to the TMZ of internet news, but every now and then you do get a great nugget from them (like this one: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/aaron-sorkin/sarah-palin-killing-animals_b_793600.html?ref=tw ). So, your comparison to Time or Newsweek is probably more appropriate.
