Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The fake President

The colossal fuck up

 There will be many attempts in the coming months and probably even coming years to portray Donald Trump's four years in office as being much more successful than they actually were.  This will be my part in ensuring that history will forever show Donald Trump as the worst President in American history.

To wit:
  • History will show that there was never an administration as corrupt as the Trumps.  From lining his family's pockets with American taxpayer money to the number of Trump officials who stuck their snouts deep in the trough of the U.S. Treasury, these people will make the Nixon administration look downright fucking wholesome.
  • When it comes to international relations, Trump screwed up everything he touched.  We are literally having to pay farmers because of Trump's lamebrain tariffs on China.  NATO and our longest standing allies may never trust us again because they know in four years we could end up with another idiot like Trump.  Thanks to Trump, Iran's nuclear program is growing, and despite being best buds with the Kim Jong Un, North Korea continues to produce nuclear weapons at will.  Not to mention the coddling of dictators in Brazil, the Philippines, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.  
  • Russian troops were paid bounties to kill American soldiers.  Trump did nothing.  Russia poisoned dissident Alexei Navalny.  Trump did nothing.  Trump pulled troops from Syria, in effect giving the country to Russia.  Trump stopped every investigation into Russian dirty deeds, and took Vladimir Putin's (a man who seeks our country's downfall) word over our own intelligence agencies that there was no Russian interference in our elections.  Time will prove just how subservient Trump was to Putin--and it will only further the embarrassment that Trump was.
  • The one--you read that right, fucking one--accomplishment Trump had in four years was tax cuts for the wealthy.  They did nothing to help the economy and were reviled by everyone who wasn't rich.
  • As far as immigration goes, Mexico did not pay for a wall that about thirty feet of actually got built, and to our nation's everlasting shame, children were separated from their parents at immigration centers, and there are hundreds of children whom the Trump administration has still been unable to locate their parents.
  • Trump raised republican racism to new heights.  He said white nationalists who killed a demonstrator in Charlottesville were good people.  Trump criticized professional athletes who stood up to his and to America's racism in another in a long line of bids to divide Americans upon racial lines.  Trump called Black Lives Matter protesters "thugs" and said they were a hate group when it was republican racism that brought us to the summer of protest.  He had peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstrators tear gassed so he could do a photo op with a bible in front of a church--a bible which he promptly held upside down.
  • Trump incited actual thugs to storm the Capitol Building and helped encourage the assassinations of Vice President Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in an attempt to overturn an election he lost badly.  It will be months, if not years, before we know how much he damaged American democracy.
  • Trump is the only President to have been impeached twice.  The first was for fomenting a foreign government to interfere in our election; the second was for treason.
  • Trump will leave office with an economy in tatters.  Thanks to his epic mishandling of the pandemic, more people will be unemployed when he leaves office than when he began.  Food banks are overwhelmed and thousands have been evicted from their homes.  He badly lost a trade war with China, and thanks to his asinine tax cuts, income inequality rose to unprecedented levels.  American wages over the past year rose at a rate much smaller than than 17 of the top 25 economies in the world, yet the wealth of billionaires rose to heretofore unseen levels.
  • In the end, nothing will define the Trump's four years in the White House more than his shameful and completely inept handling of the COVID-19  pandemic.  From downplaying its severity to refusing to issue a mask mandate to botching the vaccine rollout, Trump's piss poor response to the virus will go down as the most epic failure of any U.S. President in our history.  Over 410,000 Americans have died in the last ten months.  Last year is now the deadliest year in the 250 years America has been a nation.  The cost to our livelihoods, to our families, to our emotional well-being, and to our health is incalculable.  Nothing Trump can do for the rest of his hopefully miserable life can begin to wash away this stain from his legacy.
There is, however one area in which Donald Trump did shine:  losing.  He is the only President other than Herbert Hoover whose party lost the House, the Senate, and the Presidency in four years.  He is the only elected Presidential candidate to have lost the popular vote twice.  And he lost a quite winnable chance at re-election decisively to Joe Biden.

And it is his talent for losing for which we should all be grateful, as because of it the American republic has a chance to again be great.

410,000 Dead Americans Because of Donald Trump's Incompetence

Certified Tally--Biden:  306 EV's, Trump:  232

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